2020 OKHPR-PAC General Election Endorsements

We are proud to announce 36 candidates who have received our official OKHPR PAC endorsement during the 2020 general election.

Our official voting guide has been published at okhpr.com/2020general. In the voting guide, you will find survey grades and voting records that helped us determine endorsements. Many are also worthy of your vote and some are not! We are urging CAUTION on those.

We did not endorse any incumbent who did not fill out a survey or have an A voting record with us. Many came close, but only these made the cut. If you find a race with no endorsement because of equal scores, please email us at info@okhpr.com with the district number in the subject line and we can try to provide more clarity so you can make the best decision.

A (+) means they authored, co-authored or defended legislation that protected parental rights, health choice, informed consent or medical privacy in some capacity while in office.

Vote! August 25th!

Endorsed Senate Candidates

Endorsed House Candidates



Endorsed Federal Candidates