We are now midway through the legislative session of 2022 and quickly approaching the 2022 elections. Remember that each State Representative seat is up for re-election and the EVEN numbered senate district seats are up for re-election. Don’t just cast a vote for the familiar name! Educate yourself with OKHPR’s legislator score card and our voting guide. The June primary voting guide will be released in May. Make sure that you hear about it FIRST by becoming an official OKHPR member.
BEFORE CONSIDERING RUNNING FOR OFFICE, make sure you are still in your districts. The 2020 Census created the need for redistricting. You can check the updated maps on the Okla 58th app. Download it on apple here, or android here.
Grades for the Oklahoma House of Representatives were based on the following:
- Call for Special Session
- HB 2335
- SB 658
- SB 747
- Re-Education class
- (-) Committee Chairs who did not hear bills lost a letter grade
- (+) Authored & passed bills on health freedom or parental rights
Grades for the Oklahoma Senate were based on the following:
- Special Session Call
- SB 765
- HB 2335
- SB 658
- SB747
- SB1142
- (-) Chairs who did not hear bills lost a letter grade
- (+) Passed bills on health freedom or parental rights