This is a bill that will be heard in committee tomorrow.
Please take time today to call and email Senators on the Education Committee to vote yes on SB 1162.
This is a bill that will include students designated on a 504 plan to be included for eligibility for the LNH Scholarship.
Currently only students with an IEP, foster children, and students adopted out of foster care are eligible.
We hope to see eligibility expanded to students with a 504 plan.
These are students with a disability as well and should be included.
Senator Nathan Dahm
(405) 521-5551
Senator Marty Quinn
(405) 521-5555
Senator Jake Merrick
(405) 521-5592
Senator Zack Taylor
(405) 521-5547
Senator Tom Dugger
(405) 521-5572
Senator Adam Pugh
(405) 521-5622
Senator Brenda Stanley
(405) 521-5584
Senator Blake Stephens
(405) 521-5574