Breaking!! SB 658 was just signed into law by Governor Kevin Stitt
This new law covers the area of education, Pre-K-12, and all Higher Education:
- Mask mandates can only be issued by school boards only under a state of emergency and must be reviewed at each meeting.
- Mask mandates not allowed for unvaccinated students only. No discrimination!
- Transparency on common education vaccinations; meaning schools must tell parents that they can opt-out using exemptions if parents so choose.
- Vaccine passports, otherwise known as, “papers, please” are not allowed in any level of education.
- No C-19 vaccine mandate for Pre-K-12 and Higher Education, with the exception of some medical programs that must see patients.
Section 1 applies to all schools, because they all comply with the vaccine schedule.
Section 2 applies to all schools except private K-12 because the state doesn’t have purview over their board activities.
Section 3 only applies to public K-12 and technology, same as section 2 and typically higher ed students are over 18.
It could be argued that sections 2 & 3 apply to private K-12 since section 1 specifically names them, but it would come down to if the state can direct their board to act in a certain way or not.
This law goes into effect on July 1st.
Thank you to the Oklahoma Legislature for overwhelmingly sending this vital legislation to Governor Stitt. Individuals matter and parents know their children best!
We are now asking the Governor to issue an Executive Order for adults or non-students. Please sign this petition so Oklahoma can do the same for all adults and non-students since that legislation did not make it to his desk
As always, please join okhpr.com and sign up for our email and action alerts so we can continue protecting parental rights and health freedom. 
Thank you all for your advocacy. This is a great day for freedom-loving Oklahoma! 

We are getting many questions about children who are currently in summer school. As stated above, SB 658 goes into effect on July 1st. Email SB 658 to your local schools and let them know you will notify your legislators and advocacy groups if they do not revise their policies by July 1st to be in compliance with the new law. After July 1st you can report non-compliance with SB 658 here.