Breaking News! We just received word Governor Stitt has signed HB 2339 into Oklahoma law!!!! This bill passed unanimously in the Senate and overwhelmingly in the House.
Thank you to all who tirelessly worked to advocate for this bill which simply states: “As provided in the Parents’ Bill of Rights, a student shall not be vaccinated at school or on school grounds or receive a vaccine as part of the mobile vaccination effort without prior written authorization, including the signature of the parent or legal guardian of the student for the vaccine or group of vaccines to be administered during a single visit.”
We truly appreciate Governor Kevin Stitt and his great service to our state! #top10state #okleg #parentalrights #oklahomaproud Another campaign promise kept! #ToptenGovernor #thankyou
Please consider a donation to further our advocacy.
Below are the legislators who voted for and against. How did your legislators rate on parental rights? Be sure to ask those who voted no what their concerns are with such a common-sense measure and to thank your legislators who voted yes! Thanks and accountability goes a long way. Our grade reports on our legislators for this session will be available soon. Check our NEWS soon!
These Senators voted Yes on HB 2339

These Representatives voted Yes on HB 2339

These Representatives voted No on HB 2339

The representatives that are bordered in red voted Yes on HB 2339 on 3/12/19, but changed their vote to No on 5/23/19.