Many OKHPR bills and other important liberty bills are not being scheduled on the Senate floor. We need you to come from near and far on Tuesday, April 20th because your presence could make the difference in getting them heard. This is the final week for bills to be heard! Invite your friends, family and even bring the kids. This is the time to show up, make your presence known, and your voices heard! Don’t worry if you can’t make it to the whole event, the event is come and go. Just make sure you show up!
Schedule of Events:
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM – Meet with legislators
5:00 – 6:00 PM – Pizza dinner in the 4th-floor rotunda. Bring your own water bottle!
6:00 PM – 6:30 PM – Rally in the 4th-floor rotunda
6:30 – 5th floor House Gallery to hear bills being voted on
Featured Speakers:
Don Spencer
Liza Greve
Senator Nathan Dahm
Representative Sean Roberts
Senator Warren Hamilton
Representative Jay Steagall
And many more!
Make sure you read our Capitol Day FAQ and register for the event using the button below.
Midsession Legislative Update

Action Alert!
Two bills are headed to the floor for a vote!
SB 658- Headed to the house floor
HB 2335- Headed to the Senate floor
Here is what we need you to do!
SB 658: We need every member to call your state representative and ask that they co-author and vote YES on SB 658. It has to be heard by April 22nd or it is DEAD.
Check out the news media coverage of this bill and share it with your friends who support mask and vaccine choice!
SB 658 – Requiring school districts to provide vaccine exemption information to parents *There is a new amendment on this bill! Click the link to read it!*
This bill gives the truth about the current vaccine law and mask choices to parents that are grounded in science.
Step 1: Use this link to identify your State Representative (House Member). After you enter your address you MUST scroll down to where it says “State House”
Step 2: Open an email and address it to your State Representative. His/her email will follow the ‘firstname.lastname@okhouse.
Step 3: In the subject line type “FROM YOUR CONSTITUENT: Yes on SB 658”
Step 4: Write a short and polite email about why you support this bill. Include your stories and screenshots (if you have them) of misleading school enrollment announcements and how mask mandates at school have affected your children.
Step 5: End your email with your name and full address.
Sample Email:
Hi Representative,
Hope you are doing well!! I wanted to take a moment to ask you to co-author SB 658 and that you vote yes on SB 658 on the house floor.
This bill gives parents the truth about vaccine exemption laws and provides mask choices to parents that are grounded in science.
HB 2335: Prohibits vaccination mandates by government and discrimination.
Step 1: Use this link to identify your State Senator. After you enter your address you MUST scroll down to where it says “State Senate” Do not contact the U.S. Senators!
Step 2: Open an email and address it to your State Senator. His/her email will follow the ‘firstname.lastname@oksenate.
Step 3: In the subject line type “FROM YOUR CONSTITUENT: Yes on HB 2335”
Step 4: Write a short and polite email about why you support this bill.
Step 5: End your email with your name and full address.
Sample Email:
Hi Senator,
Hope you are doing well!! I wanted to take a moment to ask you to co-author HB 2335 and that you vote yes on HB 2335 on the senate floor.
This bill does not change current school vaccine law or prohibit businesses from mandating vaccines. It only restricts government entities in the state from denying services to individuals who decline to be vaccinated or who decline to have their children vaccinated.