There are only a few days left before candidate filing! There are a number of legislators who need a strong conservative candidate to run against them. Any legislator who scored a poor mid-session grade should have an opponent! Candidate filing for the June 28th election takes place April 13th-April 15th. For more information on candidate filing, and to download the filing packet click here. If you have any questions about becoming a candidate, contact us at info@okhpr.com!
True to our promise, we have found a freedom-loving candidate to run against each of these who did not support a Special Session to prevent healthcare workers and others from being fired before Christmas.

Do you live in the following districts? These candidates need a strong opponent who advocates for health and parental rights!
BEFORE CONSIDERING RUNNING FOR OFFICE, make sure you are still in your districts. The 2020 Census created the need for redistricting. You can check the updated maps on the Okla 58th app. Download it on apple here, or android here.
Senate District 8
Senator Roger Thompson chose not to sign on to the call for special session.

Senate District 20
Senator Chuck Hall chose not to sign on to the call for special session.

Senate District 30
Senator Brenda Stanley chose not to sign on to the call for special session.

Senate District 36
Senator John Haste chose not to sign on to the call for special session.

Senate District 38
Senator Brent Howard chose not to sign on to the call for special session.

House District 85
Representative Cyndi Munson chose not to sign on to the call for special session and has an F rating from OKHPR for her voting record.