Many people are being forced to choose between feeding their families and getting injected with a potentially deadly experimental substance. This is a fundamental violation not only of human rights but of the religious rights that we are guaranteed in the United States of America.
The first step is to become a member at OKHPR. If you are a healthcare professional, sign up as a health care professional at so that we can continue to send you targeted action alerts, invite you to exclusive events, and stay in touch about lawsuits and exemption options.
Watch OKHPR’s Emergency townhall where we discussed a number of different issues with a panel of speakers including legislators, attorneys, and doctors.
Find your elected officials (after entering your information, scroll all the way to the bottom) and call the governor (405-521-2342), your state representative, and state senator. Tell them that you are a constituent and you are asking them to take up this issue as soon as possible. This is an emergency situation that needs to be addressed. Make sure your elected representatives also understand that exemptions for employees are not codified in law in Oklahoma like they are for school children. Employers do not have to offer or accept exemptions for medical or religious reasons!
Then look up the elected representatives for your workplace, church, and school. If it is different from the elected representatives at your home address, give them a call as well! Tell them that you work/ attend church/ go to school in their district and you are asking that they take up this issue as soon as possible.
We recommend that you attempt to file an exemption if your employer is offering one.
Step 1. You’ll need to know your employer’s process for exemption. Once your employer publishes the exemption process and requirements, then you will be able to apply. Usually, employers provide a form to be filled out and signed by either you or a religious leader or both. Most times a personal narrative or explanation of beliefs is required. Sometimes they also request, or it is good to have, a religious leader’s certification of beliefs. Each employer is different.
Your personal convictions do not need the blessing of your church denomination or religious leader.
Very few religious groups in America have adopted a theological statement against vaccination. It’s a sad fact that the leaders of our religious denominations choose not to take a stance. However, all that an employee needs to implement a religious exemption is sincere belief — you don’t need a pastor or a religious leader to get involved. This is a “personal faith” decision, not an “essential faith” decision. It is a legitimate position, even if it is not the official church position.
Federal law also guarantees that individuals have a right to be free from religious discrimination. In order to reconcile these two rights, the law requires employers to make “reasonable accommodation” for individuals with a genuine religious objection to the vaccine.
Your Vaccine Exemption Letter
Your religious exemption letter must be PERSONAL. This is your firmly held moral conviction against vaccination. As with many matters of faith, we don’t often need to defend our beliefs and it can be challenging to find the words to verbalize our internal convictions. Please use these letters as a resource to help you formulate those points that you find most personally convicting and draft your religious exemption in your own words. You can find samples of religious exemptions from OKHPR here.
Additional Vaccine Exemption Samples
Religious Exemptions – America’s Frontline Doctors (
If you need a minister to sign a religious exemption, the following ministers have reached out to us and are willing to sign exemptions. Click here for the minister list.
We Have A Constitutional Right To Following Our Religious Convictions Regarding Our Bodies
Conscience protections apply to health care providers who refuse to perform, accommodate, or assist with certain health care services on religious or moral grounds. Federal statutes protect health care provider conscience rights and prohibit recipients of certain federal funds from discriminating against health care providers who refuse to participate in these services based on moral objections or religious beliefs. Those statutes are listed below.
Example of Wording Citing Constitutional and Federal Statutes:
I qualify for this exemption based on the following:
1) First Amendment of the United States Constitution
2) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act (42 U.S. Code § 2000e) prohibits discrimination against a sincerely held religious belief, practice, or observance. As enforced by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Title VII requires employers to reasonably accommodate an employee’s sincerely held religious belief, practice, or observance. For religious accommodation request, according to the EEOC’s COVID-19 guidance, employers should ordinarily, assume that an employee’s request for religious accommodation is based on a sincerely held religious belief, practice, or observance.
EEOC guidance also reminds employers that the ADA prohibits employers from both disclosing that an employee is receiving a reasonable accommodation and retaliating against an employee for requesting an
Failure to uphold 42 U.S. Code § 2000e and any attempt to coerce an individual to get the Covid-19 the vaccine is a violation of federal law and may be met with legal action.
Additional Resources for Religious Exemptions
Know Your Rights to Religious Exemption or Accommodation from Pacific Justice
FETAL CELL USE (Some lawyers have advised not using this as your primary objection for if they create vaccines that aren’t abortion tainted you could lose your exemption)
Aborted Fetal Material Used in Vaccines and Medicines
Guidance on Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine | Children of God for Life (
Religious Exemption for Covid Vaccine (
Can I Take a Vaccine Made from Aborted Babies? | Desiring God
Quotes from Catechism of the Catholic Church and Catholic documents compiled by Catholic Nurse
Below is a compilation of Synodal Statements, Medical Studies, Professional Dissertations, and Hierarchical and Monastic Statements which either forbid totally or recommend against receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine:
- Bases of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church [1]
The Social Life Document of the Russian Orthodox Church, which is the largest Orthodox Jurisdiction on Earth, defines the absolute inadmissibility of medicines prepared using fetal therapy.
“The Church believes it to be definitely inadmissible to use the methods of so-called foetal therapy, in which the human foetus on various stages of its development is aborted and used in attempts to treat various diseases and to “rejuvenate” an organism. Denouncing abortion as a cardinal sin, the Church cannot find any justification for it either even if someone may possibly benefit from the destruction of a conceived human life. Contributing inevitably to ever wider spread and commercialization of abortion, this practice (even if its still hypothetical effectiveness could be proved scientifically) presents an example of glaring immorality and is criminal.”
This command is in point XII 7 of the Social Life Document. This document defines, as indicated by the name, appropriate Orthodox Christian living in as many aspects of society as is enumerated. Because of point XII 7, it would be a violation of my faith to receive the following coronavirus vaccines:
- Pfizer and BioNTech – The Pfizer Vaccine was protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute [2]. This information is recorded by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory [3].
- Moderna – The Moderna Vaccine was protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute [2]. This information is cited by the vaccine researchers Kizzmekia S. Corbett, Darin K. Edwards, and Sarah R. Leist [4].
- Johnson & Johnson – The J&J Vaccine has publicly admitted to using a cell line called PER.C6. This is published on the Janssen website [5]. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute [2].
- Sputnik V – The Sputnik V Vaccine cites their manufacturers as using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293 [6][7].
- AstraZeneca – AstraZeneca was developed using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute [2]. This information is also contained in documents permitting its emergency use in the United Kingdom [8].
- Vaxart – Vaxart was produced with the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute [2]. This information is recorded by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory [9].
- Altimmune – The Altimmune vaccine was produced and developed with the abortion-derived cell line PER.C6. This information is recorded by Altimmune’s own Clinical Trial Protocol [10]. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute [2].
- COVAXX and United Biomedical – COVAXX was protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute [2]. This information is recorded by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory [11].
- Medicago – The Medicago Vaccine was protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute [2]. This information is recorded by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory [12].
- Novavax – The Novavax Vaccine was protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute [2]. This information is recorded by researches at ScienceMag [13].
- University of Pittsburgh “PittCoVacc” – PittCoVacc was produced with the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute [2]. This information is recorded by EBioMedicine at the Lancet [14].
- Walter Reed Army Institute – The Walter Reed Vaccine was produced with the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute [2]. This information is recorded by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory [15].
- Sanofi Pasteur and Translate Bio – The Sanofi Vaccine was developed and protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute [2]. This information is recorded by the vaccine researchers at NPJ Vaccines [16].
- Inovio Pharmeceuticals – The Inovio Vaccine was protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute [2]. This information is recorded by researches at ScienceMag [17].
- Arcturus Therapeutics – The Arcturus Vaccine was protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute [2]. This information is recorded by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory [18].
- Imperial College London – The Imperial College Vaccine was developed and protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute [2]. This information is recorded by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory [19].
- Providence Therapeutics – The Providence Vaccine was developed and protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute [2]. This information is recorded by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory [20].
- CoronaVac – CoronoVac was protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute [2]. This information is recorded by researches at ScienceMag [21].
- CanSino Biologics – The CanSino Vaccine was protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute [2]. This information is recorded by researches at BioSpace [22].
- ImmunityBio and NantKwest – The ImmunityBio Vaccine was developed, produced, and protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute [2]. This information is recorded by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory [23].
- Institut Pasteur and Themis and Merck – The Institut Pasteur Vaccine was developed and protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute [2]. This information is recorded by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America [24].
- Rega Institute, KU Leuven – The Rega Vaccine protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute [2]. This information is recorded by the Global Virus Network [25].
- Anhui Zhifei – The Anhui Zhifei Vaccine was developed and protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute [2]. This information is recorded by the Cell Press Journal [26].
- Clover Biopharmeceuticals – The Clover Vaccine was protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute [2]. This information is recorded by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory [27].
The same Social Life Document also states “The transplantation of organs from a living donor can be based only on the voluntary self-sacrifice for the sake of another’s life. In this case, the consent to explantation (removal of an organ) becomes a manifestation of love and compassion. However, a potential donor should be fully informed about possible consequences of the explanation of his organ for his health. The explanation that presents an immediate threat to the life of a donor is morally inadmissible.”
This is from the same point, XII 7, and therein it condemns the harvesting of biological material from a subject without their total informed consent. This condemns the usage of any vaccines manufactured utilizing stolen organs, thereby also condemning the CureVac Vaccine because it was protein tested on HeLa cells, which were harvested from an African American mother of five in 1951 without her knowledge or consent. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute [2]. This information is accounted by John Hopkin’s Magazine [28].
- Greek Orthodox Press Release on “The Cloning of Embryonic Cells” [29]
The Greek Orthodox Church, which is the second in order among the non-patriarchal Autocephalous Jurisdictions, declared “Our Church expresses its categorical opposition to conducting experiments on human embryonic cells.” This is found in the 17.8.2000 Press Release on Embryo Cell Cloning. It further declares in the same Press Release that “the effort to improve life can not pass through the destruction of millions of human beings of embryonic age.”
This absolutely condemns the bulk of the already above-mentioned Vaccines which are the product of testing on cells harvested from aborted fetuses. This would make it a contradiction to my Orthodox faith to receive those vaccines even if said vaccines genuinely benefited me.
- Romanian Orthodox Church Statement on “The Transplant of Organs” [30]
The Romanian Orthodox Church, which is fourth in the order of junior Patriarchates, lists mandatory principles for the moral use of human organs and tissues, and states: “Because the extraction of organs implies the consent of the donor, extraction of tissues from an embryo is inconceivable given the fact that although alive, this one cannot give its consent.”
On this basis, the Romanian Orthodox Church condemns all medical work profiting from the harvesting of cells from a embryo, or, in fact, any medical work profiting from the harvesting of cells from a non-consenting individual. This statement alone condemns all the above-mentioned vaccines on the basis that they come from either an aborted fetus or a non-consenting individual; in the vast majority of cases, these vaccines are condemned by both qualifications.
Also mentioned in this Statement in the Church’s view of death. The Church declares that “From a Christian point of view, death has two acceptances:
Man’s moving away from God through sin (death that can be temporary or eternal, according to the seriousness of the sin, repentance or its absence);
The physical death – materialized through the separation of the soul from the body. All Christian effort is to get rid of the eternal death through the dynamic communion with God in Christ, through the Holy Spirit. This fact does not exclude the care for the conditions, moment and way of separating the soul from the body.”
I am of the opinion that receiving the vaccines mentioned above would be participating in the sin of abortion, thereby resulting in my spiritual death. While neither death is desirable, the Church has since antiquity declared that spiritual death is magnitudes less desirable than physical death because spiritual death results in the eternal suffering of our souls, as is declared in Revelation 21:8 – “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” And again in Revelation 20:14 – “And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.”
- Inter-Church declaration by Archbishop Makarios [31]
Archbishop Makarios is a hierarch of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, the First Throned Patriarchate of the Orthodox Church. He worked with other religious officials of other churches to compose an InterChurch statement condemning the AstraZeneca Vaccine on the basis that it was developed using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. On this basis, most of the above-mentioned vaccines are condemned because of their usage of HEK-293 in the development or testing of their vaccines.
- Moldovan Orthodox Church Declaration On The Threat Of COVID Vaccines [32]
The Moldovan Orthodox Church, which is a self-ruling jurisdiction of the Russian Orthodox Church, declared that the COVID Vaccines are a microchipping threat for faithful Christians.
In the statement, the Church states that “it must be said that vaccination carries the risk of microchipping or introducing foreign devices into the human body. The public in many European countries is protesting against mandatory vaccination, especially against the COVID-19 vaccine, because it considers it to be the way in which the world anti-Christ system wants to introduce microchips into people’s bodies to control them…”
The Synod says affirmatively that the Vaccine is a microchipping threat and acknowledges that the public are concerned that there are greater forces governing the world which are using vaccines and microchips in order to control them in a scheme in service of the anti-Christ.
I do not know if the vaccine is a microchipping threat, nor do I know if greater forces are serving the anti-Christ using the vaccines, however I DO know that these are my spiritual shepherds and that they have been appointed as pastors of the Orthodox Christian flock due to their wisdom and diligence. They are wiser than I am, and I will trust this overwhelming opposition to the vaccine by the hierarchs of my Church. Therefore, I oppose the vaccine as a threat to me, and would like to request that they are not mandated so that I am not of any potential risk.
- Georgian Orthodox Synod On The Necessity Of Vaccination Being A Free Choice And Not Compulsory [33]
The Georgian Orthodox Church, which is the second in the order of Junior Patriarchates, made a Synodal Statement concerning the vaccine. In the Synodal Statement, they declare “We welcome the fact that the Covid-Pandemic vaccination process has been declared voluntary and not mandatory; This is especially important today, when the vaccine is newly developed and health professionals in different countries have different opinions about it.”
The Georgian Church acknowledges that the different opinions are valid enough to be such a concern that the vaccines should not be compulsory and notes that this is “especially important.” I also believe that this is especially important, and I believe this would be a contradiction of my Orthodox faith and thereby should not be mandatory.
- Metropolitan Saba of Khoni Against The COVID Vaccine [34]
As a Bishop of the Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Saba is one of the highest authorities concerning Orthodox Christian living. He has voiced extreme opposition to the vaccine.
He states “today’s virus, it is a means in the hands of the devil, to bring people under its influence,” and “there will come a time when a vaccine will be offered to humanity, to humans, which will serve not so much the virus, but the enslavement of humans, the management of humans, the subjugation of humans, and it will become one of the most important tools in the hands of the devil.”
He speaks of the danger of the vaccine, saying that it is a method of controlling the population, much less so than it will be for the management of any virus. As one who is charged with taking care of the Orthodox Christian flock, I take note of his warnings against the vaccine and acknowledge it alongside the warnings of many other Bishops, Elders, and Synods. I cannot, in good conscience, receive the vaccine as I see it as a threat to me, both spiritually and physically. My faith already forbids the COVID Vaccine.
- Bishop Spiridon of Skhalta Against The COVID Vaccine [35]
Bishop Spiridon warns against the COVID Vaccine, saying that it is being created by evildoers. This is not difficult to believe, at least in an American context, given that Big Pharma is notorious for its corruption, and the primary supporters of the distribution of the vaccines are the unelected elites of society and the mainstream media.
“If a murderer, a maniac brings you medicine, will you drink it?” I do not trust. I will not bring home the medicine brought by them.”
“I am personally convinced that this is the devil’s trap! – These people will not give you any medicine,”
Bishop Spiridon warns that the elites are functioning as agents of the devil to present the vaccine as a trap. This implicates, not just vaccines produced with aborted fetal cells, but ALL vaccines against coronavirus. This greatly concerns me, and I feel my readiness and functionality will be hindered if under any obligation to receive a vaccine against coronavirus.
- Saint Paisios Warns Against the Vaccine [36]
In the Orthodox Church, exceptionally holy people are canonized as Saints. A canonization indicates the Church’s recognition that a person has already been received into the Kingdom of Heaven. These people have encountered God in a way not many people can comprehend, reaching heights of humility and divinization that the average man may never experience. Saint Paisios, in particular, lived such a holy life on earth that God bestowed upon him the gift of foresight, that is to say, he could spiritually warn with accuracy about the future. In one of his books, entitled “Spiritual Counsels II: Spiritual Awakening,” Saint Paisios displays his gift of foresight by predicting that a new vaccine (“new” relative to the time when he was alive) would be created to combat a new disease which will bear the Mark of the Beast on those who take it voluntarily.
“And now a vaccine has been developed to combat a new disease, which will be obligatory and those taking it will be marked.”
“Later on, anyone who is not marked with the number 666 will not be able to either buy or sell, to get a loan, to get a job, and so forth.”
Saint Paisios is eerily predicting many things which I have noticed, including the inexplicable push to mandate the vaccine in all areas of life. One such area is this line of work, which is the entire reason I have to request a religious exemption in the first place. This is the mindset behind the “Vaccine Passports” which some people are suggesting should be used as a prerequisite for flight by commercial plane, and some countries are using as prerequisite for any form of immigration. Saint Paisios saw a coming vaccine as the Mark of the Beast, bearing the number of his name: 666. I am aware of the Bible’s condemnation of those who bear his number, as all who take the Mark will be beyond salvation due to them having blasphemed the Holy Spirit by doing so. Whether or not the COVID Vaccine is the vaccine Saint Paisios warned about, I do not know, but I do know that there are many similarities between his foreseen vaccine and the COVID Vaccine. In order that I am not of any threat of taking the Mark of the Beast, I am requesting an exemption to the mandate of the COVID Vaccine.
In the Orthodox Church, the highest accessible spiritual states are found in monasticism. Most canonized Saints are monks, and monks are considered the foremost spiritual fathers for Orthodox Christians. This is further demonstrated by the fact that the Spiritual Center of the Orthodox Church is Mount Athos, which as a monastic republic, composed exclusively of monks. The Holy Mountain is held in high regard as some of our greatest guides come from there. Therefore, it is if considerable note that the abbot of Karakallou Monastery on Mount Athos felt it necessary to make a video to inform Orthodox Christians around the world about the dangers of the COVID Vaccine.
Archimandrite Philotheos says “We sense that the coming of this pandemic was no accident, and in fact, that it was manufactured. And then came the vaccine, supposedly ‘to suppress the pandemic,’ but we sense that this is all being directed, is artificial, in order to achieve what they want—their ultimate purpose,”
“And we can see in the way they are now imposing the vaccine that the dark forces have their ultimate goal. We have also been prepared for this by the Revelation of St. John the Evangelist, and we have been warned by the Apostolic Fathers who speak of the days of the Antichrist,”
“They abolish democracy, abolish human rights, abolish so many things these days. How do they reconcile all this? Under the pretext, of course, of the pandemic that they have produced,”
Archimandrite Philotheos is in a position unlike Saint Paisios described before, in that he inhabits the world while this Vaccine is conquering the world. He sees it as an effort by higher authorities and elites to abolish human rights for the purpose of subjugating mankind to prepare for the antiChrist. He says this vaccine is prepare humanity to be sealed in the future, meaning the Mark of the Beast. This is unacceptable for an Orthodox Christian, as the Mark of the Beast cannot be repented of. I absolutely cannot be at threat of the Mark.
Another Abbot of the Holy Mountain, from a different monastery, speaks against the COVID Vaccine. This is all weighing heavily on the vaccine. Elder Parthenius is the abbot of Saint Paul’s Monastery, and here he speaks against the vaccine saying that we ought the Lord’s Will far sooner than a man-made solution. We ought to pray against the virus as “Our hope is that whoever trusts in God will not be ashamed. We must rely not on our own strength, but on the mercy and love of God.”
Elder Parthenius refuses to bless anyone to receive the vaccine as it lines up too closely with what is written in Revelation 13. By its fruits we shall know it, and although the vaccine doesn’t perfectly align with Revelation 13, the similarities should strike us as notable.
- Elder Efthymios Against the Vaccine [41]
Elder Efthymios is another Athonite monk who speaks about the suspicious nature of the vaccine. He firstly says “Those who do not want to be vaccinated, no one should and does not have the right to force them to be vaccinated in any way.” He goes on to say that the vaccine was mad obligatory in some areas before it was ever even manufactured. “There is a cure,” he says, “but some do not want it.” The cure he speaks about is the Body and Blood of Christ. This is a greater vaccine than anything created by mankind. “The vaccine is not a cure,” he notes as being confirmed by Nobel Prize-winning French Scientist Luc Antoine Montagnier. Elder Efthymios speculates that if the vaccine were genuinely and helpful, it would not need all this propaganda. Therefore there is reasonable suspicion of the vaccine, and it is within all appropriate logic to avoid it.
Metropolitan Seraphim is the bishop of the Church of Cyprus, the first in the order of non-patriarchal Autocephalous Jurisdictions in the Orthodox Church. He has condemned the vaccines harshly for being the products of aborted fetal cells. Citing information from Italy, he notes that “the vaccine is made from aborted fetuses,” saying that it is impossible for the Orthodox to accept such a thing even if it is in the best economic interests of the people because what matters more than the economy is proper enforcement of morality.
I cannot accept a vaccine that results from the murder of babies, and therefore am requesting an exemption to the vaccine so that I do not participate in this grave sin.
- Father Alexander Demonstrates the Moral Peril of the COVID Vaccine [44]
Father Alexander is a highly respected academic, author, and speaker. He served as an Orthodox Chaplain in the United States Army for over 24 years, achieving the rank of Colonel. He also served as a Dean and Professor of Moral Theology Emeritus at Holy Trinity Seminary. In light of his impressive resume, he would unquestionably support an exemption for Orthodox Christian receiving the COVID Vaccine. He says “We must reject, on moral grounds, all COVID-19 vaccines that have any connection to aborted preborn baby cells.” This condemns practically every available COVID Vaccine, and surely you cannot suppose that one violates their own moral codes for the sake of a negligibly beneficial vaccine? “According to traditional Orthodox moral theology (as opposed to revisionist variations so common today), certain actions (“means” to “ends”) are objectively, intrinsically evil under any “circumstances”—most notably, abortion, rape, incest, child abuse, physical torture, and deliberate targeting of non-combatants in war.” Fr Alexander knows the price that must be paid for anyone who participates in this grave evils, even if that evil is FDA Approved.
- Saint Nikephoros the Leper Reveals the True Cure [45]
Saint Nikephoros was a monk granted the rank of the Angelic Schema, the highest order of monks in the Orthodox Church. For the majority of his life, he suffered from leprosy. In his time, he was unable to obtain medicine for the disease. He lived among lepers so as to not spread the disease among the healthy. As he progressed in his life and grew in his holiness, he came to a point where the disease would not spread to the healthy anymore. He became a vessel for blessings and good things, rather than a vector of death. He was granted the gift from God to return to the earth after his death to warn the faithful about the coronavirus pandemic. Multiple times he appeared to faithful Orthodox Christians in the Balkans. Saint Nikephoros revealed the truth: “There is a cure and this is the Holy Communion. There’s also a herb to drink, it’s thyme, it kills viruses. And in any case, be sure to visit the house of God at this difficult time, because there is no contagion there and no one can be infected.” He has given us the knowledge of better and more natural treatment, not one from the labs of men. The Holy Eucharist is the cure to COVID-19, and the disease can be treated with thyme. As one who suffered from life-altering diseases, he knows it like no other. As one among the highest order of monks, he knows that the House of God CANNOT contain an infection that harms the faithful. A person who is received validly into the Orthodox Church is the only one allowed to partake of the Body and Blood of Christ for his sanctification. As an Orthodox Christian, I can trust that I will receive the appropriate care from God by going into the temple of the Lord and participating in the regular Liturgical Cycle. Therefore there is no need to fear if I will catch the disease without a vaccine.
All of the above is a confirmation that it is not only my right to not be subject to the COVID Vaccine, but my duty as an Orthodox Christian. It is contradictory to the Orthodox faith no matter how you look at it. It cannot be justified and may even lead to our eternal spiritual disaster. It is for these reasons that I am requesting, through the appropriate channels, an exemption to the mandate to receive the COVID Vaccine.
The following are my sources for why it is a violation of my Orthodox Faith to receive at this time a COVID Vaccine:
1: Bases of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church –
2: The Lozier Institute Lists a number of COVID-19 Vaccines which utilize aborted fetal cells –
3: The Pfizer Vaccine utilized aborted fetal cells –
4: The Moderna Vaccine utilized aborted fetal cells –
5: The Johnson & Johnson Vaccine utilized aborted fetal cells –
6: Sputnik V Vaccine citing trial tests of their manufacturers =
7: Sputnik V manufacturers acknowledge usage of aborted fetal cells –
8: The UK Government acknowledges AstraZeneca’s usage of aborted fetal cells –
9: The Vaxxart Vaccine utilized aborted fetal cells –
10. The Altimmune Vaccine utilized aborted fetal cells –
11. The COVAXX Vaccine utilized aborted fetal cells –
12. The Medicago Vaccine utilized aborted fetal cells –
13. The Novavax Vaccine utilized aborted fetal cells –
14. PittCoVacc utilized aborted fetal cells –
15. The Walter Reed Vaccine utilized fetal cells –
16. The Sanofi Vaccine utilized aborted fetal cells –
17. The Inovio Vaccine utilized aborted fetal cells –
18. The Arcturus Vaccine utilized aborted fetal cells –
19. The Imperial College Vaccine utilized aborted fetal cells –
20. The Providence Vaccine utilized aborted fetal cells –
21. CoronaVac utilized aborted fetal cells –
22. The CanSino Vaccine utilized aborted fetal cells –
23. The ImmunityBio Vaccine utilized aborted fetal cells –
24. The Institut Pasteur Vaccine utilized aborted fetal cells –
25. The Rega Vaccine utilized aborted fetal cells –
26. The Anhui Zhifei Vaccine utilized aborted fetal cells –
27. The Clover Vaccine utilized aborted fetal cells –
28. The HeLa Cells were harvested without informed consent –
29. Greek Orthodox Press Release on “The Cloning of Embryonic Cells” –
30. Romanian Orthodox Church Statement on “The Transplant of Organs” –
31. InterChurch Declaration by Archbishop Makarios –
32. Moldovan Orthodox Church Declaration On The Threat Of COVID Vaccines –
33. Georgian Orthodox Synod On The Necessity Of Vaccination Being A Free Choice And Not Compulsory –
34. Metropolitan Saba of Khoni Against The COVID Vaccine –
35. Bishop Spiridon of Skhalta Against The COVID Vaccine –
36. Saint Paisios Warns Against the Vaccine –
37. Elder Philotheos Against the Vaccine –
38. Elder Philotheos Against the Vaccine [Video] –
39. Elder Parthenius Against the Vaccine –
40. Elder Parthenius Against the Vaccine [Video] –
41. Elder Efthymios Against the Vaccine –
42. Metropolitan Seraphim of Kythira Against the Vaccine –
43. Metropolitan Seraphim of Kythira Against the Vaccine [Video] –
44. Father Alexander Demonstrates the Moral Peril of the COVID Vaccine –
45. Saint Nikephoros the Leper Reveals the True Cure –
1. Document absolutely everything with your employer. Be sure to document all of your inquiries and communication with your employer in writing.
BCC your private email account of ALL emails communication with your employer.
If you have verbal communications with your employer regarding your desire not to be coerced into taking the vaccine, send a follow-up email to the person with whom you had the conversation. “Per our conversation, I understand the following … etc. This is called a CYA email.
When having a conversation with your employer, you can record that conversation with your smartphone. “Oklahoma is a “one-party consent” state. This means that if the recording party is part of the conversation, it is legal for him or her to record. On the other hand, it is illegal to record a conversation between people who are unaware of the recording if you are not a party to the conversation (wiretapping someone’s phone line, for example).”
When recording an employer, put your phone on “airplane mode”. (If you get a random call during a recording, it will pause the recording.
2. Be polite, be kind, but demand answers.
3. Ask in writing all of your questions. We have compiled a number of different questions in these templates from our legal team to ask questions about the mandate. Please do not cut and paste the letter verbatim. It is recommended that you read the document and place the questions in your own words in your own language. It is encouraged that you remove questions that you don’t wish to include and (more importantly) add questions that you have that are more tailored to your specific employment.
4. Tell them you have private medical reasons on why you do not want the vaccine and ask if there is there an exemption process.
5. Be sure in your correspondence that you say that you are uncomfortable with this mandate and you feel they are forcing you to make a personal medical decision. Communicate that you are not comfortable sharing your personal medical information.
7. Let your employer know you want to keep your job.
8. Most importantly….DO NOT QUIT YOUR JOB! Wait for them to fire you.
This website has an extensive list of resources for members of our military.
Military-Informed-Consent-Memo-1.pdf (
Children’s Health Defense Military Mandate COVID19 Vaccines Exemption Rights
Army Regulation AR40-562 provides the long-standing exemption rights for the Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard, including active and reserve components.
Please see Federal Practice Group for an additional resource specifically for Federal Employees.
DO NOT QUIT YOUR JOB – America’s Frontline Doctors (
Legal Rights
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 | U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (
Conscience Protections for Health Care Providers |
Employee-Form-Only-Covid-Injection.pdf (
Employee-Form-Only-Covid-Injections.pdf (
Student-Form-Only-Covid-Injections.pdf (
Dear-Vaccinator-Notice-of-Potential-Liability.pdf (
Notice-of-Liability-Schools-2.pdf (
60956cfa67d1ea346b32336b_Vaccine-Public-Letter-5.pdf (
Cornell-University_2021_05_03.pdf (