Mini Capitol Day Sign Up – 2023 Session!

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This year we are hoping to get our members more closely involved with what we do at the State Capitol. In order to do this, we are planning Mini Capitol Days for members to attend. Shirts will be provided as supplies last. We have a limited number of sizes and styles available. We encourage you to attend a Capitol Day with your Senate District group so you can get to know members in your local area! Connect with your Senate District Captain by emailing us Please include your senate district.

Here are the first Mini Capitol Days of 2023!

*We have removed our previously scheduled Monday Mini Capitol Days because the Senate Health and Human Services Committee Meeting moved to a different day for the first time in at least seven years.*

Tuesday February 21st 9 AM 
Attend the Senate Education Committee!

- Meet in the 4th floor Rotunda (look for the OKHPR shirts!)
- 9:30 AM: Watch the Senate Legislative Session
- After session: Attend the Senate Education Committee (Room 535) OR visit legislators
-12:00: Lunch (we will try to get as many legislators to join us as possible in the Health Nut Cafe) Bring a sack lunch or plan to purchase lunch in the Cafe. OKHPR will provide light snacks, please provide or purchase your own drinks.
- 1:00 - 2:30: Break into teams to meet with legislators and deliver OKHPR Bear cookies!

These events are come and go! Text OKHPR at 405-251-8915 to find our group at a later meet up time.

Wednesday March 1st 1 PM
Attend the House Public Health Committee!

- Meet in the 4th floor Rotunda (look for the OKHPR shirts!)
- 1 PM: Watch the House Legislative Session
- After session: Break into teams to meet with legislators and deliver OKHPR Bear cookies!
- 3 PM Attend the House Public Health Committee (Room 4S.5)

These events are come and go! Text OKHPR at 405-251-8915 to find our group at a later meet up time.

For additional Capitol Day FAQ's, click here!

More Capitol Days will be added soon! Please check your email each week for additional updates!
Which Mini Capitol Days are you planning to attend? *