Update: this bill is expected to be heard the week of 5/15/22 here is the current list of co-authors per last week’s action alert to contact your legislators to co-author. Great work!
You may have heard, that Senator Bullard has rejected the amendments to SB 615. This has caused some confusion! Senator Bullard has rejected the amendments which the House created in order to STRENGTHEN THEM! To reject the amendments does not mean that the bill is dead. It just means that it has an additional step of going to a conference committee after it passes the Senate. You can read the new stronger amendments here.
This bill will have to go through the following steps.
- Senate conference committee
- Senate floor
- House floor
- Governor’s desk.
OKHPR supports this updated language and we need your help to get this bill heard!
Step 1: Please contact Senate Floor Leader Greg McCortney and President Pro Tempore Greg Treat and ask that they put this bill on the Senate agenda. If you are a constituent of either Senator, please add FROM YOUR CONSTITUENT to the subject line of your email and mention that you are a constituent during your phone call.
Senator Greg McCortney
Senator Greg Treat
Sample email:
Subject Line: Hearing for SB 615
Senator _______,
I am emailing to ask that you please allow SB 615 to be heard on the Senate floor.
Thank you for your time,
Your name
Your full address
Sample phone script:
“Hi, I am calling to ask that Senator _________ please allow SB 615 to be heard on the Senate floor”
Step 2: Call and email your Representative and Senator and ask that they co-author the bill. The more co-authors the bill has, the better chance it has of getting heard in the Senate! If you are unsure who your Representative and Senator is, we recommend you download the Oklahoma 58th Legislature app to find them AND to find their contact information. ! Download it on apple here, or android here. You can also find your legislators online here.
Please do not use the contact form from the oklegislature.gov website. These emails are often ignored. Your Representative’s email address will be firstname.lastname@okhouse.gov. Your Senator’s email address will be firstname.lastname@oksenate.gov.
Sample email:
Subject Line: FROM YOUR CONSTITUENT: Please co-author SB 615
Senator/Representative _______,
I am emailing to ask that you please co-author SB 615.
Thank you for your time,
Your name
Your full address
Sample phone script:
“Hi, I am a constituent and I calling to ask that Senator/Representative _________ please co-author SB 615.”