Action Alert! Ask Floor Leader to Hear HB 2335.

HB 2335 is a bill that prohibits discrimination of members of the public and children who are unvaccinated. The bills language is currently being updated to include banning vaccine passports and certain mandates. This bill needs to be heard on the senate floor.

Please contact Senate Floor Leader Greg McCortney and ask that he put this bill on the Senate agenda. If you are a constituent of Senator McCortney, please add FROM YOUR CONSTITUENT to the subject line of your email and mention that you are a constituent during your phone call.

Senator Greg McCortney

Sample email:
Subject Line: Hearing for HB 2335
Senator McCortney,

I am emailing to ask that you please allow HB 2335 to be heard on the Senate floor.

Thank you for your time,
Your name
Your full address

Sample phone script:

“Hi, I am calling to ask that Senator McCortney please allow HB 2335 to be heard on the senate floor”