Thank you to the OK Senate! We appreciate you! Big thanks to the leadership of Senators Treat, David, and Standridge. SB 658 now goes back to the OK House for its last hearing. This bill addresses many health choice concerns of parents; read the full bill here. In a few words, this bill prevents vaccine mandates and discrimination and supports parental rights.
Action Alert!! Needs to be completed ASAP!
All members need to contact your State Representative and ask that they vote YES on SB 658! Here is exactly what to do.
- If you are not sure who your State Representative is, use this link. Once you enter your address you need to scroll ALL the way down to “State House”. This will be the final legislator that is listed. Do NOT contact your U.S. House Representative; they work in Washington D.C. and will not be voting on this bill! This is a common mistake.
- Make a quick call to your State Representative. You can say something along the lines of “My name is _______. I am a constituent and I am calling to ask that Representative __________ vote yes on SB 658. Thank you”
- After you have called, send a quick email. All representative emails follow the format firstname.lastname@okhouse.gov. If you need any help identifying your Representative’s email, you can email us at info@okhpr.com and we will be happy to assist you!
- In the subject line of your email type “FROM YOUR CONSTITUENT: Yes on SB 658!”
- In the body of your email write a short and polite message asking your Representative to vote yes on SB 658. Pick only one talking point. You can talk about how confusing enrollment notices are whenever exemption information is excluded. If you have pictures or screenshots of unclear enrollment notices, please include those. Tell your legislator about your child’s experience wearing a mask at school, your concerns over the Covid-19 vaccine being mandated or creating two segregated classes of students, the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. In summary, this bill prevents vaccine mandates and discrimination and supports parental rights.
- Finish your email with your full name and address. Your Representative’s assistant will use this information to verify that you are registered to vote in the district.
- Send a quick thank you email to rob.standridge@oksenate.gov, greg.treat@oksenate.gov, and kim.david@oksenate.gov. Senator Standridge authored and presented the bill in the Senate. Senators Treat and David are Senate leadership who made sure the bill received a hearing in the Senate. We are very appreciative that they agreed to hear this measure and they also voted in favor of it! Sending a thank you will take no more than five minutes of your time and it is very important when building relationships with legislators. We want to show that we appreciate their courage and hard work!
- Lastly, send this action alert to your spouse, friends, family and share it on social media! Help us get the word out!