There have been a couple of small changes to the schedule for the Together We Stand Capitol Day and Rally!
We invite you to come early! We will begin passing out shirt orders at 8:30 AM in the second floor rotunda. The shirt table will be available until 2 PM for pickup at your convenience. Reminder! Shirt pickup is for pre-donation only. There will be no sales. We cannot exchange money at the Capitol.
At 9:30 AM the Senate will gavel in the 5th-floor gallery.
At 10:00 AM we will head to the opposite chamber to watch the House gavel in.
The rally will now begin at 11:00 AM! We have made this change because Attorney General John O’Conner wanted to come speak. In addition to suing the federal government for Biden’s vaccine mandate, he also filed a lawsuit against Ascension St. John Hospital for violating the religious rights of employees whose religious exemptions were denied.
After the speakers have completed we will break into Senate district groups to visit with legislators and have lunch.
While the speakers are sure to be exciting, do not leave after they have finished! The most impactful part of the day is after the speakers when we divide into senate district groups and go speak to legislators! Each captain will have a sign like the ones pictured below. Attendees will group up with their captain who will then lead them to visit their local legislators. You will always be with a trained captain, so you do not need to worry about not knowing what to say. They will lead the conversation using OKHPR talking points. Take a moment to jot down your senate district number so you do not forget it before the Rally. You can look it up using the Okla 58th app or use this website.

Since I mentioned speakers… Here is who will be speaking at the rally!

Here are a few other tips to help you have a successful Capitol Day!
Registration will begin at 8:30 and rally speakers will start at 11 AM. There is no need to go to the registration table unless you have to pick up a shirt or need assistance.
Stay positive – make sure your signs and chants focus on the issues. No profanity! We will have signs available so there is no need to create your own. If you got a sign at the last Press Conference, please bring it back AND PLEASE RETURN THE SIGNS BACK TO THE STAGE AFTER THE RALLY so you don’t have to carry them around the Capitol.
Text #CapitolDay to 405-251-8915 to stay up with any last-minute changes.
Dress for success – Rally t-shirts will be available at the Registration tables. IF YOU PRE-ORDERED ONLY. PLEASE BRING YOUR RECEIPT TO THE T-SHIRT TABLE. THERE WILL BE NO T-SHIRTS AVAILABLE FOR SALE AT THE EVENT. NO MONEY EXCHANGE IS ALLOWED AT THE STATE CAPITOL. If you missed the deadline to order, please wear navy blue or something patriotic.
Keep spreading the word about the Rally!
Share the Facebook event, mark GOING, and invite a few friends!
You can still register using the button below!