Breaking! The Parenting Class Rule is DEAD!
The Oklahoma State Health Department’s (OSDH) Commissioner Lance Frye has implemented an emergency rule to roll back a recently approved agency rule that would have added an “education” class before parents can opt their child out of a medical procedure.
The infamous “parenting class” was proposed by the OSDH before Commissioner Frye was appointed. The rule was voted down by the House and was not taken up by the Senate due to a shortened session, therefore giving it to Governor Stitt. In June, the rule was approved by Governor Stitt as a package of all permanent administrative rules. Governor Stitt was not able to single out certain rules and upon approving it said, “However, I have concerns with certain rules, and my team and I will review our options to address these rules moving forward.”
Let’s send big thanks to Commissioner Frye and Governor Stitt for their commitment to parental rights! PLEASE! Don’t assume others will do it for you. Two more emails!
Send a thank you note to:
When enrolling your children for school this year, please reference the following attachment to read current vaccine exemption law. If your school or daycare is not aware of the recent changes, show them this information or call the OSDH Immunization Department at 405-271-4073
OSDH 535 Cover Letter to Governor and Cabinet Secretary
OSDH 535 Emergency FINAL Rule
OSDH 535-Emergency Packet
Check under the resource section of the website for the vaccine exemption form.