This bill ensures that unemployment benefits are being given to employees who are fired or placed on unpaid leave for not taking a vaccine. Please thank Senators Dahm, Leewright, Coleman, Rogers, Bergstrom, Newhouse, Pugh and Burns for voting YES!
Senators who voted no, to not codify this in law were Senator Paxton(R), Garvin(R), Young (D), and Brooks (D).
The two republican no votes (Senator Garvin and Paxton) used the committee to hammer the author with questions and debate. Senator Paxton clearly stated that he believes the Oklahoma legislature should not be dealing with employee mandates. Paxton hammered, “To fix this issue we must campaign for the federal elections”. So, Senator Paxton is unwilling to protect Oklahomans from his position of power in the Oklahoma legislature?
Chairman Leewright closed off a debate by saying, “Members, if we are not here to hear tough issues & protect individual freedom, why are we here?”
You can watch parts of their debates here.
Show up next Thursday for Round 2! 10 AM in room 535.