SB 658 Update!!

Many have been wondering what is happening with SB 658 and asking for an update… We have wonderful news!

SB 658 was assigned to a Senate conference committee. This conference committee decided to reject the house amendments and instead put forward a new set of amendments. These new amendments are as follows:

  • The State Department of Education shall provide and ensure that each school district in this state provides, on the school district website and in any notice or publication provided to parents, the complete Oklahoma law regarding immunization requirements and exemptions for school attendance
  •  *New* A board of education of a public school district or a technology center school district, the board of regents of an institution within The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education, the governing board of a private postsecondary educational institution, the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, the State Board of Education or the State Board of Career and Technology Education shall not:
    • Require a vaccination against COVID-19 as a condition of admittance
    • Implement a mask mandate for students who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19. 
    •  Require a vaccine passport as a condition of admittance to or attendance of the school or institution
  • *New* A board of education of a public school district or a technology center school district may only implement a mandate to wear a mask or any other medical device if specific requirements are met and creates a process for parents to appeal to remove the mandate.

Read the full text of the bill here.

Now that the bill is changing again, it must be heard in the senate and then heard in the house again before it can head to the governor’s desk to be signed. 

Here is how to take action to support SB 658!

  1. Email your STATE senator asking them to co-author SB 658 and to vote yes when it is heard on the Senate floor. If you do not know who your Senator is, use this link to find them. Your Senator’s email will follow the format. If you need any help finding your senator or their email, please email us at and we will be happy to help you!
  2. In the subject line of your email type “FROM YOUR CONSTITUENT: Yes on SB 658”
  3. In the body of your email briefly explain why you support this bill. You can talk about how confusing enrollment notices are whenever exemption information is excluded. If you have pictures or screenshots of unclear enrollment notices, please include those. Tell your legislator about your child’s experience wearing a mask at school, or your concerns over the Covid-19 vaccine being mandated or creating two segregated classes of students, the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.
  4. If your Senator has not coauthored this legislation, ask them to become a co-author to show his or her support. You can see which Senators are co-authors here.
  5. At the end of your email, include your full name and address. Your Senator’s Legislative Assistant will use this information to verify that you are registered to vote in the district.
  6. Share this link with your friends and family and ask them to reach out to their Senator.
  7. Join us at the Capitol on Monday, May 24th at 1 PM! We will be speaking with legislators about this bill. You can register to join us and get more information by clicking the button below. You can also use this time to pick up OKHPR gear. Make sure to place your order ahead of time and use the code ‘pickup10’ to receive 10% off as a thank you for saving us on shipping costs!

To stay up to date on this bill and other health choice legislation make sure you are an official OKHPR member by clicking the button below!

Weekly Legislative Update! 4/28

Two action alerts for this week!

You may have seen news of other state governors signing executive orders to protect their state from incoming vaccination passports and mandates. We are asking Governor Stitt to sign a similar executive order.

The pandemic response must not create two classes of people in Oklahoma, and citizens must not be discriminated against because of their personal medical decisions..

Click the button to read and sign the petition, and then share the link with your friends and family!

The second action alert is to contact your senator and ask them to support SB 658. This bill has already passed out of the Senate once, but because it was amended in the House it must be heard one last time in the Senate before it goes to the Governor’s desk to be signed.

SB 658 requires school districts to provide vaccine exemption information to parents when sending out notices about vaccinations. Why is this needed now? With a covid-19 vaccine requirement expected soon, parents need to know their opt-out rights. Only 5-10% of schools actually share the entire law! This bill also includes limitations for schools that are mandating masks and a method for parents to challenge these mandates. Read the latest version of the bill here. It may also be helpful to look up how your senator voted on SB 658 when it was first heard in the senate. Check the Senate votes here.

Step 1: Open an email and address it to Senator Kim David is the Senate majority floor leader and can decide what bills get heard. Send her a short and polite email asking her to please add SB 658 to the floor agenda. If she is your Senator, please include that you are a constituent.

Step 2: If you do not know who your Senator is, use this link to identify your State Senator. After you enter your address you MUST scroll down to where it says “State Senate”

Step 2: Open an email and address it to your State Representative. His/her email will follow the ‘‘ format. If you need any help identifying your senator’s email please send us an email at and we will be happy to help you!

Step 3: In the subject line type “FROM YOUR CONSTITUENT: Yes on SB 658”

Step 4: Write a short and polite email about why you support this bill. You may use the sample email that is included below as a guide, but please change things to make it your own. Do not just copy and paste because that is not as impactful. The opposition is calling this an ‘unfunded mandate’ so please be sure to address this misinformation. Include your stories and screenshots (if you have them) of misleading school enrollment announcements and how mask mandates at school have affected your children.

Step 5: End your email with your name and full address.

Sample Email:

Hi Senator,
Hope you are doing well!!  I wanted to take a moment to ask you to vote yes on SB 658 on the senate floor.
This bill is a simple common-sense measure that requires schools to inform parents that vaccine exemptions are an option when sending out notices involving vaccination requirements. This is NOT an unfunded mandate, as you might be told by some. It simply requires the school to add a few extra words to notices that they are already sending. For example, instead of saying “vaccination records are required for school enrollment”, the notice might say “vaccination records are required for school enrollment unless a vaccine exemption is on file.” This has no fiscal impact on our schools.
Overall, a yes on the bill gives choice to parents on masks and vaccines which is a win for health choice and parent rights.
Thank you for your time,

Liberty Rally Tuesday April 20th!!

Many OKHPR bills and other important liberty bills are not being scheduled on the Senate floor. We need you to come from near and far on Tuesday, April 20th because your presence could make the difference in getting them heard. This is the final week for bills to be heard! Invite your friends, family and even bring the kids. This is the time to show up, make your presence known, and your voices heard! Don’t worry if you can’t make it to the whole event, the event is come and go. Just make sure you show up!


Schedule of Events:
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM – Meet with legislators
5:00 – 6:00 PM – Pizza dinner in the 4th-floor rotunda. Bring your own water bottle!
6:00 PM – 6:30 PM – Rally in the 4th-floor rotunda
6:30 – 5th floor House Gallery to hear bills being voted on

Featured Speakers:
Don Spencer
Liza Greve
Senator Nathan Dahm
Representative Sean Roberts
Senator Warren Hamilton
Representative Jay Steagall
And many more!

Make sure you read our Capitol Day FAQ and register for the event using the button below.

Midsession Legislative Update

Action Alert!

Two bills are headed to the floor for a vote!
SB 658- Headed to the house floor
HB 2335- Headed to the Senate floor

Here is what we need you to do!

SB 658:  We need every member to call your state representative and ask that they co-author and vote YES on SB 658. It has to be heard by April 22nd or it is DEAD.

Check out the news media coverage of this bill and share it with your friends who support mask and vaccine choice!

SB 658 – Requiring school districts to provide vaccine exemption information to parents  *There is a new amendment on this bill! Click the link to read it!*

This bill gives the truth about the current vaccine law and mask choices to parents that are grounded in science.

Step 1: Use this link to identify your State Representative (House Member). After you enter your address you MUST scroll down to where it says “State House”

Step 2: Open an email and address it to your State Representative. His/her email will follow the ‘‘ format. If you need any help identifying your representative’s email please send us an email at and we will be happy to help you!

Step 3: In the subject line type “FROM YOUR CONSTITUENT: Yes on SB 658”

Step 4: Write a short and polite email about why you support this bill. Include your stories and screenshots (if you have them) of misleading school enrollment announcements and how mask mandates at school have affected your children.

Step 5: End your email with your name and full address.

Sample Email:

Hi Representative,
Hope you are doing well!!  I wanted to take a moment to ask you to co-author SB 658 and that you vote yes on SB 658 on the house floor.
This bill gives parents the truth about vaccine exemption laws and provides mask choices to parents that are grounded in science.


HB 2335: Prohibits vaccination mandates by government and discrimination. 

Step 1: Use this link to identify your State Senator. After you enter your address you MUST scroll down to where it says “State Senate” Do not contact the U.S. Senators!

Step 2: Open an email and address it to your State Senator. His/her email will follow the ‘‘ format. If you need any help identifying your senator’s email please send us an email at and we will be happy to help you!

Step 3: In the subject line type “FROM YOUR CONSTITUENT: Yes on HB 2335”

Step 4: Write a short and polite email about why you support this bill.

Step 5: End your email with your name and full address.

Sample Email:

Hi Senator,
Hope you are doing well!!  I wanted to take a moment to ask you to co-author HB 2335 and that you vote yes on HB 2335 on the senate floor.
This bill does not change current school vaccine law or prohibit businesses from mandating vaccines. It only restricts government entities in the state from denying services to individuals who decline to be vaccinated or who decline to have their children vaccinated.


Two Action Alerts for Wednesday 3/7!

It is a big week! Tomorrow, April 6th, is voting day for many local elections. You can use this link to look up your sample ballot, and then use the OKHPR voting guide to cast a vote for an endorsed candidate.

On Wednesday two bills will be heard. SB 747 will be heard at 9 AM in the House Insurance Committee. At 10 AM SB 658 will be heard in the House Public Health Committee. Separate emails will need to be sent to both of these committees.

SB 747 – Prohibiting insurer from discriminating against insured based on vaccination status

This bill prevents a policyholder from losing coverage or having their rates raised because they choose to not get a certain vaccine.

Step 1: Open an email message and copy and paste the following email addresses into the ‘cc’ portion of the email.,,,,,,

Step 2: In the subject line for the insurance committee email write “Yes on SB 747” *If your senator is a member of this committee add “FROM YOUR CONSTITUENT” to the subject line*

Step 3: Write a short and polite email about why you support this bill. Representatives are asking for parents to include their personal stories of being turned away by doctors and of vaccine injury. Keep your email short but include these stories!

Step 4: End your emails with your name and full address.

Sample email:

Hi Representative
Hope you are doing well!!  I wanted to take a moment to ask for your yes vote on SB 747. 
This bill is a protective measure designed to prevent a policy holder from losing coverage or having their rates raised because they choose to not get a certain vaccine.
Name & Address

Step 5: Call each Representative and ask that they vote yes on SB 747

Representative Sneed: 405-557-7310

Representative Davis: 405-557-7362

Representative Hill: 405-557-7333

Representative Marti: 405-557-7356

Representative McEntire: 405-557-7327

Representative Russ: 405-557-7312

Representative Wallace: 405-557-7368


SB 658 – Requiring school districts to provide vaccine exemption information to parents  *There is a new amendment on this bill! Click the link to read it!*

This bill gives truth about the exemption law and mask choices to parents that are grounded in science.

Step 1: Open an email message and copy and paste the following email addresses into the ‘cc’ portion of the email.,,,,,,,

Step 2: In the subject line for the insurance committee email write “Yes on SB 658” *If your senator is a member of this committee add “FROM YOUR CONSTITUENT” to the subject line*

Step 3: Write a short and polite email about why you support this bill. Include your stories and screenshots (if you have them) of misleading school enrollment announcements and how mask mandates at school have effected your children.

Step 4: End your emails with your name and full address.

Sample Email:
Hi Representative,
Hope you are doing well!!  I wanted to take a moment to ask for your yes vote on SB 658. 
This bill gives parents the truth about vaccine exemption laws and provides mask choices to parents that are grounded in science.
Name & Address

Step 5: Call each Representative and ask that they vote yes on SB 658

Representative Roe: 405-557-7365

Representative Hasenbeck: 405-557-7305

Representative Conley: 405-557-7308

Representative Kerbs: 405-557-7345

Representative McEntire: 405-557-7327

Representative Newton: 405-557-7339

Representative Stark: 405-557-7403

Representative Stearman: 405-557-7358


You can also join us at the State Capitol on Wednesday at 9 AM to watch the committees. They meet in room 4S5 on the 5th floor. Please arrive early to grab a seat. Alternatively, you can also watch from home using this link. 


New Nursing Home Guidelines!

Oklahoma has new guidelines about nursing home visitation! Thankfully, these rules are a big step in the right direction. Read the guidelines here. We would like to thank Representative Marilyn Stark, who has been working tirelessly to make sure that families can visit with their loved ones in nursing homes.

Representative Stark authored HB 1677 which allows families to appoint a compassionate caregiver to oversee the care of loved ones in a long-term care facility. Her bill would allow compassionate caregivers to visit with their loved ones with reasonable precautions, even in a time of emergency. This bill has already passed the House floor and is assigned to the Senate Health and Human Services Committee. Senator Weaver is the Senate author.

Health encompasses so many factors, including mental, emotional, and spiritual factors. We have seen the destruction of isolation as a side-effect of the pandemic and is pleased to support legislation and advocacy on behalf of our elderly population living in assisted living and nursing homes.

If your family member is bedfast and the facility is not allowing you in to see your loved one you can report the facility by emailing or calling or by calling 405-426-82000

Mid Session Update!

Huge wins this week!





















The bills above have passed the chamber of origin and are now moving to the opposite chamber to be heard in committee. This marks about the halfway point for these bills! We are so excited to watch these bills move on to the next step in the legislative process. If your Senator or Representative voted in favor of these three measures, please send them an email to say thank you!

As a reminder, the legislative process is lengthy. A bill must go through many different votes before it can become a law. It is difficult to make a law, which is actually a good thing. We don’t want thousands of laws that regulate how we live our daily lives. Here is all of the steps that a bill must go through to become a law.

Check out what bills are left to support on OKHPR’s full legislative agenda!

We send out action alerts on these bills in our weekly emails on Friday mornings. These emails are only sent to our official OKHPR members. Click the button below to become an official member and receive weekly email updates!

Weekly Legislative Update 2/22

This is the final week for bills to be heard in committee. If a bill does not get heard in committee by the end of the week it is dead for this legislative session. As of right now, there is one good bill that is scheduled to be heard in committee this week and one bill that will be heard that we OPPOSE! There are also 5 bills that will be headed to the floor for a vote.

Here is how you can help!


SB 765 will be heard in the business, commerce, and tourism committee on Thursday morning. We need everyone to take a few minutes to contact the members of the committee and ask them to vote YES.

SB 765 is a bill authored by Senator Bullard that prohibits mandatory workplace vaccinations. Click here to read the full text of the bill.

Step 1: Copy and paste the following email addresses into the ‘cc’ portion of your email.,

*If one of these Senators is the Senator for your district, please email them separately, and use the subject line “FROM YOUR CONSTITUENT: yes on SB 765″*

Step 2: Write in the subject line “Yes on SB 765”

Step 3: Write a few short reasons why you support this bill. If you are currently mandated to take vaccinations for your job, please include this information.

Step 4: End the email with your full name and address.

Step 5: Call the members of the Business, Commerce, and Tourism Committee and ask them to vote yes on SB 765.
Senator Leewright- 405-521-5528
Senator Coleman- 405-521-5581
Senator Bergstrom- 405-521-5561
Senator Burns – 405-521-5614
Senator Dahm- 405-521-5551
Senator Garvin – 405-521-5522
Senator Newhouse-  405-521-5675
Senator Paxton – 405-521-5537
Senator Pugh- 405-521-5622
Senator Rogers – 405-521-5600



Bills headed to the floor:

There are FIVE bills that are headed to a floor vote. Please take a minute to contact your Senator and Representative about the following bills.

Senate Bills:

SB 835, SB 747, and SB 658 are headed for a vote on the Senate floor. As a reminder, SB 835 prohibits discrimination based on vaccination or immunity status. You can read the full bill here. SB 747 prohibits an insurer from discriminating against the insured based on vaccination status. You can read the full bill here. SB 658 requires school districts to include information about exemptions when sending out vaccination notices. You can read the full bill here.

Step 1: Find your Senator using this link and begin an email to them. Your senator’s email address will be

Step 2: In the subject line type “FROM YOUR CONSTITUENT: Yes on SB 747 and SB 658”

Step 3: Type a few reasons why you support these bills and end the email with your full name and address. (legislative assistants will verify that you live in the district)

Step 4: Give your Senator a call and ask them to vote yes on SB 747 and SB 658

House Bills:

HB 2336 and HB 2335 are headed for a vote on the House floor. As a reminder, HB 2335 prohibits government entities from mandating vaccinations. You can read the full bill here. HB 2336 removes the ability of the Governor to restrict certain activities during a State of Emergency. You can read the full bill here.

Step 1: Find your representative using this link (your representative is labeled as the LOWER chamber) and begin an email to them. Your representative’s email address will be

Step 2: In the subject line type “FROM YOUR CONSTITUENT: Yes on HB 2335 and HB 2336”

Step 3: Type a few reasons why you support these bills and end the email with your full name and address. (legislative assistants will verify that you live in the district)

Step 4: Give your Senator a call and ask them to vote yes on HB 2335 and HB 2336

Weekly Legislative Update 2/15

The following bills are scheduled to be heard in committee meetings next week. Please complete the following action alerts.


On Monday the Senate Retirement and Insurance Committee will hear SB 747. This bill is authored by Senator Standridge and prohibits insurers from discriminating against the insured based on vaccination status. You can read the full bill here.

The Senate Retirement and Insurance Committee meets on Monday 2/15/2021 at 10 AM! So make sure you complete this action alert as soon as possible!

Step 1: Copy and paste the following email addresses into the ‘cc’ portion of your email.,,,,,,

IMPORTANT! *If one of these Senators is the Senator for your district, please email them separately, and use the subject line “FROM YOUR CONSTITUENT: Yes on SB 747″*

Step 2: Write in the subject line “Yes on SB 747”

Step 3: Write a few short reasons why you support this bill. If you have ever been turned away from a doctor due to declining vaccinations, please mention this in your email.

Step 4: End the email with your full name and address. Legislative assistants will verify that you live and vote in the state of Oklahoma.

Step 5: Call the members of the Senate Retirement and Education Committee and ask them to vote yes on SB 658.
Senator Quinn: 405-521-5555
Senator Montgomery: 405-521-5567
Senator Hamilton: 405-521-5604
Senator Jett: 405-521-5539
Senator Newhouse: 405-521-5675
Senator Stanley: 405-521-5584
Senator Taylor: 405-521-5547


Two bills are scheduled to be heard in the House Health Services and Long Term Care Committee on Tuesday at 1:30 PM.

The first bill is HB 1677 which is authored by Representative Stark. This bill creates a ‘compassionate caregiver’ designation for a family member or friend of a resident inside a nursing home. This person must be allowed access to the resident, with reasonable health precautions. To read the full bill, click here.

The second bill is HB 2566 and it is authored by Representative Caldwell. It has a similar goal in mind. This bill says that every long-term care facility must provide immediate access to a resident by immediate family and other relatives of the resident. You can read the full bill here.

Step 1: Copy and paste the following email addresses into the ‘cc’ portion of your email.,,,,,

IMPORTANT! *If one of these Representatives is the Representative for your district, please email them separately, and use the subject line “FROM YOUR CONSTITUENT: Yes on HB 1677 & HB 2566″*

Step 2: Write in the subject line “Yes on HB 1677 & HB 2566”

Step 3: Write a few short reasons why you support this bill. If your loved one was impacted by the shut down of long term care facilities, please include this information.

Step 4: End the email with your full name and address. Legislative assistants will verify that you live and vote in the state of Oklahoma.

Step 5: Call the members of the Senate Retirement and Education Committee and ask them to vote yes on HB 1677 and HB 2566.

Representative Caldwell: 405-557-7317 (Representative Caldwell authored HB 2566, so you only need to ask that he support HB 1677 as well)
Representative Stark: 405-557-7403 (Representative Stark authored HB 1677, so you only need to ask that she support HB 2566 as well)
Representative Davis: 405-557-7362
Representative Nollan: 405-557-7390
Representative Ranson: 405-557-7411
Representative Roe: 405-557-7365



If you have signed up for Wednesday’s (2/17) Mini Capitol Day, please watch out for an email from us confirming or canceling this mini Capitol Day. We are carefully watching the weather and road conditions. We will make a final decision by Tuesday.


SB 765 will be heard in the business, commerce, and tourism committee on Thursday morning. We need everyone to take a few minutes to contact the members of the committee and ask them to vote YES.

SB 765 is a bill authored by Senator Bullard that prohibits mandatory workplace vaccinations. Click here to read the full text of the bill.

Step 1: Copy and paste the following email addresses into the ‘cc’ portion of your email.,

*If one of these Senators is the Senator for your district, please email them separately, and use the subject line “FROM YOUR CONSTITUENT: yes on SB 765″*

Step 2: Write in the subject line “Yes on SB 765”

Step 3: Write a few short reasons why you support this bill. If you are currently mandated to take vaccinations for your job, please include this information.

Step 4: End the email with your full name and address.

Step 5: Call the members of the Business, Commerce, and Tourism Committee and ask them to vote yes on SB 765.
Senator Leewright- 405-521-5528
Senator Coleman- 405-521-5581
Senator Bergstrom- 405-521-5561
Senator Burns – 405-521-5614
Senator Dahm- 405-521-5551
Senator Garvin – 405-521-5522
Senator Newhouse-  405-521-5675
Senator Paxton – 405-521-5537
Senator Pugh- 405-521-5622
Senator Rogers – 405-521-5600


Weekly Legislative Update!

Update! All three bills have passed the committee stage and will go on to the floor!

At least 3 bills will be heard this week! Here is the run down and how you can help!


On Tuesday the Senate Education Committee will hear SB 658. This bill is authored by Senator Dahm and requires school districts to provide parents information on exemptions when sending out vaccination notices. Many schools will omit exemption information which can be very misleading to parents. You can read the full bill here.

UPDATE! SB 658 has passed the Senate Education Committee!!


The Senate Education Committee meets on Tuesday 2/9/2021 at 9 AM! So make sure you complete this action alert as soon as possible!

Step 1: Copy and paste the following email addresses into the ‘cc’ portion of your email.,,,,,,,

IMPORTANT! *If one of these Senators is the Senator for your district, please email them separately, and use the subject line “FROM YOUR CONSTITUENT: Yes on SB 658″*

Step 2: Write in the subject line “Yes on SB 658”

Step 3: Write a few short reasons why you support this bill. If your child’s school has sent out misleading notices please let the legislators know and attach a picture or screenshot.

Step 4: End the email with your full name and address. Legislative assistants will verify that you live and vote in the state of Oklahoma.

Step 5: Call the members of the Senate Education Committee and ask them to vote yes on SB 658.

Senator Pugh: 405-521-5622

Senator Pemberton: 405-521-5533

Senator Dugger: 405-521-5572

Senator Kidd: 405-521-5563

Senator Quinn: 405-521-5555

Senator Stanley: 405-521-5584

Senator Stephens: 405-521-5574

Senator Taylor: 405-521-5547


Two bills will be heard in the House Public Health Committee on Wednesday 2/10/2021. We need everyone to contact the members of the committee and ask them to vote YES on HB 2335 and HB 2336!

Representative Jay Steagall has written a bill that prohibits any governmental entity from mandating vaccinations for adults or children. To read the bill, click here. His second bill removes the ability of the Governor to restrict certain activities during a State of Emergency. To read the bill, click here. To see the full Public Health Committee meeting agenda click here.

Step 1: Copy and paste the following email addresses into the ‘cc’ portion of your email.,,,,,,,

IMPORTANT! *If one of these Representatives is the Representative for your district, please email them separately, and use the subject line “FROM YOUR CONSTITUENT: Yes on HB 2335 and HB 2336″*

Step 2: Write in the subject line “Yes on HB 2335 and HB 2336”

Step 3: Write a few short reasons why you support these bills.

Step 4: End the email with your full name and address. Legislative assistants will verify that you live and vote in the state of Oklahoma.

Step 5: Call the members of the Public Health Committee and ask them to vote yes on HB 2335 and HB 2336.

Representative Hasenbeck: 405-557-7305

Representative Conley: 405-557-7308

Representative Kerbs: 405-557-7345

Representative McEntire: 405-557-7327

Representative Newton: 405-557-7339

Representative Stark: 405-557-7403

Representative Stearman: 405-557-7358

Representative Roe: 405-557-7365