If you saw this information from your schools newsletter would this capture your attention or would it properly inform you that this survey could reveal intimate details of your personal family life? (Source: Norman Public Schools had this information included at the bottom of their newsletter. Many parents did not see this notice and many are upset that they were not properly informed about opt out options).
We reported on this two years ago and now we are seeing the real world consequences! In 2021, Oklahoma Representatives Vancuren (Owasso), Davis (Broken Arrow) and Waldron (Tulsa) of the House and Haste (Broken Arrow) of the Senate worked to pass a law that mandates most public schools provide students with a survey regarding a variety of issues with a focus on alcohol, tobacco, other drug use, mental health, academic failure, and violence. This survey is being administered to public school children by the OK Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse in the name of federal funding to our children. Even though students are allowed to opt-out, many students have felt pressured and parents are unaware that it is even going on. We need to fix this and need your help!
Check out the surveys for yourself here. Would you feel comfortable with your 6th grader filling out this survey or your 8th, 10th, and 12th grader filling out this survey without your knowledge?
If this survey is concerning to you please contact your schools principal and ask about the opt out waiver.