The following pieces of legislation make up OKHPR’s legislative agenda for 2021! Make sure you sign up to be a member of OKHPR to receive weekly updates and action alerts on these bills.

SB 765 will be heard in the Business, Commerce, and Tourism Committee on Thursday morning. We need everyone to take a few minutes to contact the members of the committee and ask them to vote YES.
Step 1: Copy and paste the following email addresses into the ‘cc’ portion of your email.,,,,,,,,,
IMPORTANT! *If one of these Senators is the Senator for your district, please email them separately, and use the subject line “FROM YOUR CONSTITUENT: Yes on SB 765″*
Step 2: Write in the subject line “Yes on SB 765”
Step 3: Write a few short reasons why you support this bill. If you are currently mandated to take vaccinations for your job, please include this information.
Step 4: End the email with your full name and address. Legislative assistants will verify that you live and vote in the state of Oklahoma.
Step 5: Call the members of the Business, Commerce, and Tourism Committee and ask them to vote yes on SB 765.
Senator Leewright: 405-521-5528
Senator Coleman: 405-521-5581
Senator Bergstrom: 405-521-5561
Senator Burns: 405-521-5614
Senator Dahm: 405-521-5551
Senator Garvin: 405-521-5522
Senator Newhouse: 405-521-5675
Senator Paxton: 405-521-5537
Senator Pugh: 405-521-5622
Senator Rogers: 405-521-5600
Step 6: Listen in on the committee meeting in person at the State Capitol on Thursday at 10:30 AM in Room 419C, or listen in online here. You will need to click on the Business, Commerce, and Tourism Committee.
Thank you to Senator David Bullard for running this vital piece of legislation that seeks to protect bodily autonomy and religious freedom.
Action Alert!
We are needing every member to send in a public comment to OSDH again! This time we are supporting the proposed change. This rule is formalizing that the health department wants to remove the education class that was proposed last year. Thank you to Col. Lance Frye and Governor Kevin Stitt for their leadership! We are asking everyone to SUPPORT this change! Here is what we need to do!
You can read more about the rule to ABOLISH the class by clicking here.
After you have signed the petition, contact the Governor here: and call 405-521 2342.
We are loving seeing all of the voting selfies. Keep posting them and using the hashtags #okhpr and #votedbear. If you have not voted yet, make sure you are in line at your polling location before 7 PM!
We have included a fun printable for the kids as you watch election night coverage tonight. Print off the electoral college map below and color in blue or red states as the results come in. You can also use the following resources to teach your kids about what the electoral college is and how it works.
We are only a few days away from the election! We have been fielding a lot of voting questions, so we have put together this FAQ to help answer the most common questions. If you have additional questions please email us at
The law also requires that your name on your proof of identity must match your name in the Precinct RegistryThere are two alternatives to showing a photo identification described above:
8. May I use my tribal membership card as proof of identity?
You may use a tribal membership card if it includes your name and a photograph of you, provided it is not expired.
Breaking! The Parenting Class Rule is DEAD!
The Oklahoma State Health Department’s (OSDH) Commissioner Lance Frye has implemented an emergency rule to roll back a recently approved agency rule that would have added an “education” class before parents can opt their child out of a medical procedure.
The infamous “parenting class” was proposed by the OSDH before Commissioner Frye was appointed. The rule was voted down by the House and was not taken up by the Senate due to a shortened session, therefore giving it to Governor Stitt. In June, the rule was approved by Governor Stitt as a package of all permanent administrative rules. Governor Stitt was not able to single out certain rules and upon approving it said, “However, I have concerns with certain rules, and my team and I will review our options to address these rules moving forward.”
Let’s send big thanks to Commissioner Frye and Governor Stitt for their commitment to parental rights! PLEASE! Don’t assume others will do it for you. Two more emails!
Send a thank you note to:
When enrolling your children for school this year, please reference the following attachment to read current vaccine exemption law. If your school or daycare is not aware of the recent changes, show them this information or call the OSDH Immunization Department at 405-271-4073
OSDH 535 Cover Letter to Governor and Cabinet Secretary
OSDH 535 Emergency FINAL Rule
OSDH 535-Emergency Packet
Check under the resource section of the website for the vaccine exemption form.
The proposed rule changes modify the process for obtaining and submitting religious and personal vaccine exemptions for children enrolled in Oklahoma schools or child care centers. If approved, to obtain a religious or personal vaccine exemption, parents would be required to watch an educational presentation provided by a local county health department regarding “the risks associated with not being vaccinated and the benefits vaccinations provide to the individual and the community.” To be approved, the completed exemption form along with evidence of completed instruction would be required.
The health department hopes this unnecessary hurdle will change the minds of parents who plan to file an exemption and they even note, “Another benefit to parents or guardians, who qualify and make a decision to proceed with vaccination after receiving this education, would be the opportunity for their child to be vaccinated while at the county health department.”
The proposed rule also creates an expiration date for exemptions. Before entry to seventh grade, a new exemption form and “educational presentation” would have to be submitted to the department.
Here is how you can help!
We will be focusing on the following talking points.
Express your concerns using this link first. Before you send in your comment make sure to print it so you may read from it at the meeting on March 5th, if you wish. Also, copy and paste the comment to the following emails. You may also call or send a letter to the phone numbers and address below. The public comment period is open until March 7th, 2020.
Kim Bailey, General Counsel, Oklahoma State Department of Health
(405) 271-6017 This email is no longer working. We will update with a working email if we recieve one.
1000 N. E. 10th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73117-1207
Audrey C. Talley, Rule Liaison, Oklahoma State Department of Health
(405) 271-9444 ext.56535
1000 N. E. 10th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73117-1207
Plan to be at the public hearing on March 5th, 2020 at the Oklahoma State Department of Health, 1000 Northeast Tenth Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73117-1207, in room 1102 from 1 PM to 4 PM. According to the rule change notice, public comment will be allowed. No signs. Be polite and courteous. Please dress business professional and you feel free to wear your shirts and buttons so they know why you use exemptions. Arrive early and be prepared for a long afternoon (snacks, water, chargers).
If you wish to speak during this public comment there are a few guidelines that we ask you to abide by.
Share this action alert, the press release to Governor Stitt, and this video which explains what is taking place.
T’was the night before Christmas
And all through the State
All the parents were worried, what would be our fate?
The Lobbyists prepared their evil bills
In hopes that none would protest their ills
The children were hiding safe in their beds
With visions of needles, and vaccines, and dread
And Mama was researching, and I online
We were coming to terms with their bad designs
When deep in my heart there arose such a feeling,
These people have no sense of with whom they are dealing!
I turned off my computer and yelled to my wife
We must DO SOMETHING! We will fight for our life!
I fell on my knees and cried out in prayer
Grant me strength, and wisdom, and perhaps a billionaire.
We have so much to do. We must unite!
Our kids are at stake, we must win this fight!
Now Uncles! Now Aunties! Now Fathers and Mothers!
On, Rednecks! On, Hippies! On Sisters and Brothers!
To the Capitol steps! To lawmaking chambers!
Let’s defeat those bills so they will remember
The thousands who came to show that they care
And never to mess with these fierce Mama Bears.
So let’s come together with the prize in our sight
Merry Christmas to all and to all a Goodnight!