Call for an Immediate Special Session!

We encourage state agencies to provide more data on the efficacy of boosters and also create a reporting system for citizens who may experience adverse reactions so they do not have to try to navigate VAERS and/or assist them in the process of reporting. In the meantime, use the button below to go to a form that we have set up to start taking information for Oklahoma. You will still need to report your injury to VAERS. If you need assistance, click here.
Lord Jesus, we give you thanks and praise for this gathering of people here today. Thank you that we live in a place that recognizes our right to peacefully assembly, our right to worship freely, and that all men are created equal in your sight. Lord, it says in your Word, the Holy Bible, that “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord”. Lord, we confess today that there are many ways in which our country has strayed far from the path of righteousness. Forgive us. Our sins are many. Forgive us Lord and lead us back to you, to our first love, to your heart. There are many who still desire to follow You and to see Your goodness in the land of the living.
In the ways we let our pride and stubbornness stand in the way of your progress, let us lay it down, and approach one another in humility, for it also says in Your Word, “Not by might, not by power, but by MY SPIRIT, says the Lord…” We recognize that in the many battles that face us as a state, a nation, and a world today- we do not wrestle with flesh and blood…it is not always the person across the aisle whom we are fighting with, but with powers and principalities that are unseen. Lord, where we are blind, open our eyes. Where we are deaf, open our ears…. To what YOU want us to see and what YOU want us to hear. Purify us. Lead us back to your heart, Lord. Let us lean not on our own understanding, but in all our ways acknowledge YOU and let YOU direct our paths.
In all of these things, we pray you would deal with us gently, Lord….have mercy on us. Lord, hear our cry as we ask for a relenting of mandates, as we cry out to you for integrity, transparency, and honesty in the health systems…. Systems that have taken a vow of “Do No Harm”…. But sometimes we are left wondering if some within the system have forgotten….and those who desire to speak out seem to be trampled and discarded. Lord, you know all the cogs and wheels and scenarios at play here.
Father, we cry out to you for integrity and transparency in our government, at every level. There is nothing hidden that shall not be made plain by you, oh Lord. Father, we pray for an exposure of what needs to be exposed, for those who wish to do right and speak truth to rise up-and bring even more of them, and protect them, protect their families. Father, let the brave voices who are daring to speak out and take action in every arena, those who are willing to stand up and say ENOUGH! THIS STOPS HERE! Let them be heard far and wide, let them be understood, and may they be protected by your mighty, mighty hand. And bring even more of them, Lord- employees, and employers from every industry, military, students and teachers, healthcare workers….. You know where they all are….bring them out in your right time.
Father, bring justice into the many areas where justice is lacking…. For those who have been injured, been forced out of their jobs, been sickened, and even died… Lord, we cry out for justice before your throne. Like the persistent widow, we come to you again and again. We ask for strategies, divine strategies by which we may pray and fight on the ground. Where it looks like darkness is encroaching- let us not be afraid but remember who is with us…You are strong when we are weak. As we draw near to you, Lord, show us the way forward in each arena you are leading us, as a group and individually. Let us seek your face and find grace to face each battle, to remain vigilant.
Bless each one here today, who has come, and who inevitably represents tens and even hundreds and thousands more who could not be here in this Capitol today. Let us hear what you are saying today, Lord, and each come away empowered to go forth in your love and might, standing firm on the solid rock of Christ. I pray all these things in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.
Congratulations on getting the attention of #okleg this week. While we still do not have a Special Session scheduled & many will be losing their jobs, many Okies see clearly now. It’s not over yet! OKHPR will be back at the Capitol for the regular legislative session on Feburary 14th, 2021. Mark yourself as going here!
Oklahomans are READY for the government to make good on their promise to defend our constitution! We packed the house!! This was the largest rally since the teacher walkout in 2018. This is THE issue of the year. If legislators do not stand up for employee choice the voters will remember in 2022! Reminder, June is a Republican primary & donate to the PAC.
Great job showing up yesterday freedom fighters! The work is not over! Here are four things you can do this week to fight mandates.
Attorney General John O’Connor has sued the Biden administration and Ascension St. John Hospital to block vaccine mandates.
•In writing
The Honorable John O’Connor
Office of the Oklahoma Attorney General
313 NE 21st Street
Oklahoma City OK 73105
•By phone:
Oklahoma City: (405) 521-3921
Tulsa: (918) 581-2885
Call the AG’s office to say: “Thank you for fighting for Oklahoma’s medical freedom. We are thrilled with the lawsuit against Biden. Please keep fighting for our freedoms!”
REMEMBER: He’s on the ballot in June 2022.
Governor Stitt’s Office:
•Thank Governor Stitt for appointing John O’Connor as Oklahoma Attorney General. Express appreciation for the lawsuit against Biden’s unconstitutional vaccinations mandates.
•Thank the Governor for everything he does to protect employees from being forced to vaccinate against their will.
•Ask him what else he can do?
3. Mark your calendar for the next OKHPR Rally!
This will be for the start of the regularly scheduled legislative session on FEBRUARY 14th 2022!
Get ready to show up even bigger than we did yesterday!
There have been a couple of small changes to the schedule for the Together We Stand Capitol Day and Rally!
We invite you to come early! We will begin passing out shirt orders at 8:30 AM in the second floor rotunda. The shirt table will be available until 2 PM for pickup at your convenience. Reminder! Shirt pickup is for pre-donation only. There will be no sales. We cannot exchange money at the Capitol.
At 9:30 AM the Senate will gavel in the 5th-floor gallery.
At 10:00 AM we will head to the opposite chamber to watch the House gavel in.
The rally will now begin at 11:00 AM! We have made this change because Attorney General John O’Conner wanted to come speak. In addition to suing the federal government for Biden’s vaccine mandate, he also filed a lawsuit against Ascension St. John Hospital for violating the religious rights of employees whose religious exemptions were denied.
After the speakers have completed we will break into Senate district groups to visit with legislators and have lunch.
While the speakers are sure to be exciting, do not leave after they have finished! The most impactful part of the day is after the speakers when we divide into senate district groups and go speak to legislators! Each captain will have a sign like the ones pictured below. Attendees will group up with their captain who will then lead them to visit their local legislators. You will always be with a trained captain, so you do not need to worry about not knowing what to say. They will lead the conversation using OKHPR talking points. Take a moment to jot down your senate district number so you do not forget it before the Rally. You can look it up using the Okla 58th app or use this website.
Since I mentioned speakers… Here is who will be speaking at the rally!
Registration will begin at 8:30 and rally speakers will start at 11 AM. There is no need to go to the registration table unless you have to pick up a shirt or need assistance.
Stay positive – make sure your signs and chants focus on the issues. No profanity! We will have signs available so there is no need to create your own. If you got a sign at the last Press Conference, please bring it back AND PLEASE RETURN THE SIGNS BACK TO THE STAGE AFTER THE RALLY so you don’t have to carry them around the Capitol.
Text #CapitolDay to 405-251-8915 to stay up with any last-minute changes.
Dress for success – Rally t-shirts will be available at the Registration tables. IF YOU PRE-ORDERED ONLY. PLEASE BRING YOUR RECEIPT TO THE T-SHIRT TABLE. THERE WILL BE NO T-SHIRTS AVAILABLE FOR SALE AT THE EVENT. NO MONEY EXCHANGE IS ALLOWED AT THE STATE CAPITOL. If you missed the deadline to order, please wear navy blue or something patriotic.
Keep spreading the word about the Rally!
Share the Facebook event, mark GOING, and invite a few friends!
You can still register using the button below!
The Together We Stand Rally is coming up quickly on Monday, November 15th!
We have been hearing from many of you that you don’t know where to park or how to navigate the Capitol. We put together a quick video to help you out!
Here are a few other tips to help you have a successful Capitol Day!
Registration will begin at 10:30 and rally speakers will start at Noon. There is no need to go to the registration table unless you have to pick up a shirt or need assistance.
While the speakers are sure to be exciting, do not leave after they have finished! The most impactful part of the day is after the speakers when we divide into senate district groups and go speak to legislators! Each captain will have a sign like the ones pictured below. Attendees will group up with their captain who will then lead them to visit their local legislators. You will always be with a trained captain, so you do not need to worry about not knowing what to say. They will lead the conversation using OKHPR talking points. Take a moment to jot down your senate district number so you do not forget it before the Rally. You can look it up using the Okla 58th app or use this website.
Stay positive – make sure your signs and chants focus on the issues. No profanity! We will have signs available so there is no need to create your own. If you got a sign at the last Press Conference, please bring it back AND PLEASE RETURN THE SIGNS BACK TO THE STAGE AFTER THE RALLY so you don’t have to carry them around the Capitol.
Text #CapitolDay to 405-251-8915 to stay up with any last-minute changes.
Dress for success – Rally t-shirts will be available at the Registration tables. IF YOU PRE-ORDERED ONLY. PLEASE BRING YOUR RECEIPT TO THE T-SHIRT TABLE. THERE WILL BE NO T-SHIRTS AVAILABLE FOR SALE AT THE EVENT. NO MONEY EXCHANGE IS ALLOWED AT THE STATE CAPITOL. If you missed the deadline to order, please wear navy blue or something patriotic.
We have added a prayer hour from 9-10 am for those who want to come early.
Keep spreading the word about the Rally!
Share the Facebook event, mark GOING, and invite a few friends!
You can also spread the word by printing this pdf flyer with the event information.
These tips have also been posted on our website. You can find them here.
Over 400 Ascension employees who had a religious exemption denied have contacted OKHPR to join a lawsuit over this matter. Here is a quick update!
I think everyone that attended the meeting can agree that it went well. Mr. Love isn’t just taking on this case for something to do, he truly believes in our cause and is “one of us”.
Due to client/ lawyer confidentiality, we can’t talk specifics unless you are committed to being interested in joining us. Because of this, we will be starting a separate group with people who have committed to being interested in taking legal action so we can discuss details as they emerge.
To join this group, you need to not only email Mr. Love the following information but also copy me onto the email so I can make sure you are added to our group.
Email jlove@titushillis.com and emttrish33@aol.com the following information:
1. Name
2. Email (not work-related so that communication can continue uninterrupted if you are kicked off the work email, plus your employer owns your email, so it is not a confidential communication.)
3. Address- Oklahoma residents only, please
4. Which category do you fall under-
a) people that had an exemption denied, did not get a vax, did not turn in a 2-week notice and are being terminated on the 12th.
b) people that had an exemption denied, did not get a vax, but found a new job and left because of the mandate
c) people that had an exemption denied and got the vax even though they didn’t want to because they needed to keep their job
d) people that did not submit an exemption because they didn’t want to click the “voluntarily resign” box, but have not had the vax and will be terminated on the 12th.
e) medical exemptions that were denied in scenarios a-c
f) contract employees that work for an outside company but have had to deal with the mandate to keep their employment because they work with Ascension (i.e. doctors, lab personnel, reps, etc) Or some other category that isn’t mentioned.
Note any pertinent details about your exemption process, like whether or not your flu was denied but now approved. Note if you have had covid or if you have antibodies. Note any other information that you think is relevant, but please keep your email as succinct as possible and omit discussions of your personal stress, anxiety, and the like.
Only a limited number of clients will be permitted to participate in this effort. If you are interested, please send an email promptly so that we can get this party started.
As we know, the number one question that will be asked is regarding financial obligation. For now, we are exploring several variables to make that determination. One of them is the number of people that will be participating, so let us hear from you quickly if you are interested.”
Thousands of employees from the following companies HAVE or WILL BE fired for having their Covid-19 vaccine religious or medical exemptions denied. Oklahoma law does not require employers to accept vaccine exemptions even though there are legitimate religious, personal, and medical reasons for opting out, including natural immunity.
Many corporations are giving religious tests as well. For example, this four-page long exemption form for Verizon employees, or this 6-page long exemption form for software development employees who work from home.
Some employers are asking employees to list the location and dates that they have attended church, and what other medical decisions they do or do not make because of their religious convictions.
OKHPR has been collecting data on which companies are mandating vaccines for employees and what we have found is that the mandates are coming from large multi-million dollar corporations. Since we know the vaccinated can still catch and spread Covid-19, and since antibody tests are not allowed in place of a vaccine, employees are left to wonder if these policies are truly about public health, or if they are about profit. The following employers have been reported to OKHPR as requiring the vaccine as of 10/28/2021.
Disclaimer: Some companies listed below may accept exemptions. We require proof of mandate in writing but are not responsible for policy change or falsification. We make every effort to verify before publication with the company or press releases made by companies listed below, but companies may not update us on policy change. We make every attempt to pull companies if they remove their mandate and our volunteers verify every report in writing.
We hope your legislators are seeing these Open VAERS data dumps. Each week, send them a brief email with the new weeks numbers. Some legislators do not know that VAERS even exists. We need to do our part to educate them and keep them updated on the numbers. Over 17 thousand deaths due to the Covid-19 vaccine have been reported as of October 22nd, 2021. As a reminder, from 1990-2020 there were 13,612 reports of death in VAERS for all vaccines combined.
Another important new feature, OpenVAERS has added a new feature that enables you to see a complete report, each week, of COVID-19 vaccine injuries by STATE. Just put in the two-letter abbreviation for your state and it will show you a chart with 6 age brackets, 7 different adverse events, and total reports just for your state. It updates automatically each week. Search Oklahoma here. 26 deaths in Oklahoma were reported this last week, and there have been 5,862 total reports of vaccine injury for the state. Please take a moment to send this information to your legislators.