Action Alert!

Three important employee choice bills need to be heard this week (3/21-3/25)! All bills must be heard this week in the chamber of origin or they are dead. So if it’s a House Bill, it needs to be heard on House Floor and if it is a Senate Bill, then it must be heard on the Senate floor.

HB 3878
SB 1128
SB 765

Here is what we need you to do!

1. For House Bill 3878, contact your House Representative and ask them to vote YES on HB 3878. If you speak with their aide, please ask for a call back on their stance as we are updating the list below. You can find your Representative and their phone number HERE.

2. For SB 765 and SB 1128 please contact Senators Greg Treat and Greg McCortney as they decide what bills get heard on the Senate floor. Please ask that they allow these bills to have a hearing on the Senate floor and to protect Oklahoma jobs.

Senator Greg Treat

Senator Greg McCortney

Redistricting Information!

One reason for OKHPR’s success is that we sort our 20,000 members into senate district groups. This allows members to connect with others in their local area for events, elections, and targeted action alerts. Every 10 years, districts are redrawn. New district maps have been finalized and will be in effect for the 2022 June primary election.

So OKHPR is updating our senate district chats and groups now.  We want to make sure you are updated on your Senator and Representative so you are prepared to vote on June 28 or run for office. Candidate filing is April 13-15 at the Oklahoma State Capitol.
Here is what to do!
1) Please download or update your Oklahoma Legislative app.  The app has been updated with the new district maps. This is the simplest way to find your districts! Download it on apple here, or android here.
2) Click on the map and input your address.
3) Use the arrows at the top to toggle between Federal, State Senator to State Rep.
4) If you are not a member, click here to sign up as an official OKHPR member. Membership is FREE! This will also sign you up for our weekly Roar Release Emails.
If you are already an OKHPR member, find your senate district captains’ contact information here and let them know that you are now in their district. Make sure to ask that you be added to their chat or group.
5)Also text 405-251-8915 to get connected or if you need help!

The Peoples Convoy Passing Through Oklahoma!

February 27th
The People’s Convoy

The People’s convoy will be passing through Oklahoma on I-44 on February 27th. They will depart Elk City in the morning and arrive in Vinita in the evening. Groups of Oklahomans will be meeting along overpasses to cheer them on. For more information, please check their website here.


NE Oklahomans making cookies for the truckers!











Additionally, a second convoy called the Freedom Convoy is coming up from Texas into Oklahoma City on March 1st. Here is a message about the meeting from our friends at Drive for 45: We will meet at Crossroads mall at 4:30 to welcome in the convoy of truckers (roughly 80 trucks) coming from Texas headed to DC. Upon their arrival, we will welcome them with signs, banners, and flags. Once they are stopped, we will greet them and present them with the donations we’ve collected. Once loaded we will have a prayer for them and then we will feed them with a BBQ dinner that was donated for them. While they eat we will decorate their trucks. At the end we will escort them out of town and then depart from there. We haven’t decided how far we are going to escort them yet but will announce it at the rally



If you were fired because of your religious refusal to accept a medical treatment, and you were then denied unemployment benefits, be sure to file an appeal, ON TIME. While many employers are contesting unemployment benefits (shamefully), and while many initial claims are denied, in our members experience, a large majority of unemployment benefit claims that are appealed on time are resolved IN FAVOR OF THE APPLICANT!

In Illinois, for example, I am aware of MANY NorthShore Hospital employees who were initially denied unemployment benefits. Out of those who appealed on time, 100% were ultimately approved for benefits.

If you miss your appeal deadline, even by one day, your claim to unemployment compensation is likely gone forever. Find out your appeal deadline (your denial notice should provide it), and then make sure you beat it by several days. Don’t wait until the last minute.

The two most often employed reasons for denying unemployment claims are “Misconduct” and “Voluntary Leaving.” They are both BOGUS. Here are some tips for your appeal in dealing with such claims:

“MISCONDUCT.” This usually applies to such things as theft from the employer, harassment of other employees, being constantly late for work, drinking on the job, etc. It has absolutely no basis when it comes to a religious refusal of employer-mandated medical treatment. In your appeal, explain that you did not engage in any “misconduct.” You asked for a reasonable accommodation to a work rule because it conflicted with your sincerely held religious beliefs. The employer refused to provide any accommodation. The employer forced you to choose between your job and your religious convictions, and it is NOT “misconduct” for you to stay true to your religious beliefs. You are entitled to benefits. (Provide documentation of your religious exemption request, including any appeal, and the employer’s denial).

“VOLUNTARY LEAVING.” In your appeal, make it clear that, regardless of the creative terminology used by your employer (such as “unpaid leave”), the fact of the matter is that you were TERMINATED for refusing a medical treatment on religious grounds. You WANTED to work. You were AVAILABLE to work. But your employer STOPPED you from working because you would not violate your religious beliefs. That’s a “termination,” plain and simple. You did not “voluntarily leave” your job. You are entitled to benefits. (Provide documentation of your religious exemption request, including any appeal, and the employer’s denial).

Action Alert! FIVE bills being heard the week of 2/28/2022

There a several health and parental rights bills that will be heard next week. We are asking for all of our members to pay careful attention and take action on THREE employee vaccine choice bills to be heard in committees! On Wednesday 3/1/2022 at 10:30 AM HB 3878 will be heard in the House Public Health Committee. On Thursday 3/2/2022 at 10 AM, SB 1128,and SB 1296 will be heard in the Senate Business, Commerce and Tourism committee. These three bills all deal with employee vaccine choice. HB 3878 is authored by Representative Lepak and it requires businesses who mandate vaccines as a condition of employment offer 3 exemptions.

SB 1128 is authored by Senator Stephens and would prohibit employers and contractors from mandating a vaccination. You may remember that this bill was scheduled to be heard two weeks ago but it was laid over after a heated line of questioning from two republican Senators, Senator Jessica Garvin (Marlow) and Senator Lonnie Paxton (Tuttle). You can watch some of the questioning that took place on SB 1157, A bill that ultimately passed even though the two aforementioned republicans continued to debate against health choice.

The second bill, SB 1095 is authored by Senator Merrick and would prohibit A state entity, political subdivision, private entity, hospital or agent thereof from requiring a covid-19 vaccine as a condition of employment, professional licensure, educational certification or degree, admittance to any place of business or entertainment or access to any mode of transportation.

If your Senator or Representative is on the committee (listed below) we need you to EMAIL and CALL them! If you are unsure who your Legislators are, please check here. We have included a sample email, but please add in your personal stories of how mandates have affected your career and make your email unique. Additionally, you can join us at the committee meetings on Wednesday in room 4S5 at 10:30 AM or watch it live here. As well as Thursday in room 535 at 10 AM, or watch it live here. 


House Public Health Committee

Representative Cynthia Roe

Representative Toni Hasenbeck

Representative Sherri Conley

Representative Dell Kerbs

Representative Marcus McEntire

Representative Carl Newton

Representative Marilyn Stark

Representative Wendi Stearman

Sample Phone Call:
“I am a constituent, and I am calling to to ask that Representative ____ vote YES on HB 3878”

Sample Email:


Dear Representative _______,

I am emailing to ask that you vote yes on HB 3878. This bill is vitally important to the thousands of Oklahomans who have been fired or will be fired in the next few months due to overreaching vaccine mandates. Many corporations are not accepting exemptions, even though there are legitimate medical, religious, and personal reasons why an individual may not want to take a vaccine. Small government starts with the individual. A vaccine cannot be taken off at the end of the day like a hard hat or gloves.

(If you or a loved one has a personal story of a mandate, please add it here!)

Thank you for your time,



Senate Business, Commerce, and Tourism Committee

Senator James Leewright

Senator Bill Coleman

Senator Micheal Bergstrom

Senator George Burns

Senator Nathan Dahm

Senator Jessica Garvin

Senator Joe Newhouse

Senator Lonnie Paxton

Senator Adam Pugh

Senator Cody Rogers

Sample Phone Call:
“I am a constituent and I am calling to to ask that Senator ____ vote YES on SB 1128”

Sample Email:

Subject Line: FROM YOUR CONSTITUENT YES on SB 1128, and SB 1296.

Dear Senator _______,

I am emailing to ask that you vote yes on SB 1128, SB 1296. These bills are vitally important to the thousands of Oklahomans who have been fired or will be fired in the next few months due to overreaching vaccine mandates. Small government starts with the individual. A vaccine cannot be taken off at the end of the day like a hard hat or gloves.

(If you or a loved one has a personal story of a mandate, please add it here!)

Thank you for your time,


Action Alert! SB 1162 in Education Committee Tomorrow!

SB 1157 Passes the Senate Business Committee!

This bill ensures that unemployment benefits are being given to employees who are fired or placed on unpaid leave for not taking a vaccine. Please thank Senators Dahm, Leewright, Coleman, Rogers, Bergstrom, Newhouse, Pugh and Burns for voting YES!

Senators who voted no, to not codify this in law were Senator Paxton(R), Garvin(R), Young (D), and Brooks (D).

The two republican no votes (Senator Garvin and Paxton) used the committee to hammer the author with questions and debate. Senator Paxton clearly stated that he believes the Oklahoma legislature should not be dealing with employee mandates. Paxton hammered, “To fix this issue we must campaign for the federal elections”. So, Senator Paxton is unwilling to protect Oklahomans from his position of power in the Oklahoma legislature?

Chairman Leewright closed off a debate by saying, “Members, if we are not here to hear tough issues & protect individual freedom, why are we here?”

You can watch parts of their debates here.

Show up next Thursday for Round 2! 10 AM in room 535.


Action Alert! Support SB 1128

On Thursday 2/24/2022 at 10 AM, SB 1128 will be heard in the Senate Business, Commerce and Tourism committee. This important bill is authored by Senator Bullard and would prohibit employers and contractors from mandating a vaccination. We need everyone to email AND call the members of the committee TODAY! We have included a sample email, but please add in your personal stories of how mandates have affected your career and make your email unique. Additionally, you can join us at the committee meeting on Thursday in room 535 at 10 AM, or watch it live here.

Senator James Leewright

Senator Bill Coleman

Senator Micheal Bergstrom

Senator George Burns

Senator Nathan Dahm

Senator Jessica Garvin

Senator Joe Newhouse

Senator Lonnie Paxton

Senator Adam Pugh

Senator Cody Rogers

Sample Phone Call:
“I am calling to to ask that Senator ____ vote YES on SB 1128”
If you are a constituent, say “I am a constituent and I am calling to to ask that Senator ____ vote YES on SB 1128”

Sample Email:

Subject Line: YES on SB 1128 (If one of the senators is YOUR senator, make sure to add “FROM YOUR CONSTITUENT” to the subject line. If you are not sure who your senator is, look it up here.)

Dear Senator _______,

I am emailing to ask that you vote yes on SB 1128. This bill is vitally important to the thousands of Oklahomans who have been fired or will be fired in the next few months due to overreaching vaccine mandates. Small government starts with the individual. A vaccine cannot be taken off at the end of the day like a hard hat or gloves.

(If you or a loved one has a personal story of a mandate, please add it here!)

Thank you for your time,


Copy and paste these addresses for emails. However, if your senator is on this committee please email them SEPERATELY and include that you are a constituent!,,,,,,,,,

WATCH HB 3509! Being heard 2/16/2022

On Wednesday (2/16) at  9:00 AM the House Public Health Committe will hear HB 3509. This bill was a shell bill (meaning it had no language) authored by Representative Provenzano. Representative Provenzano has now added language to the bill which authorizes pharmacists to administer Covid-19 vaccines to adults and children. This is already Oklahoma law under the Prep Act. it is also Oklahoma law that parental consent is needed prior to the administration of a vaccine, however we would like to see that clarified in the language of the bills. Therefore, we are watching this bill and hope you will as well. No action is needed on this bill at this time.